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Network Security

Passive Reconnaissance

Passive vs Active Recon

Reconnaissance (recon) can be defined as a preliminary survey to gather information about a target. It is the first step in The Unified Kill Chain to gain an initial foothold on a system. We divide reconnaissance into:

  • Passive Reconnaissance
  • Active Reconnaissance

In passive reconnaissance, you rely on publicly available knowledge. It is the knowledge that you can access from publicly available resources without directly engaging with the target. Think of it like you are looking at target territory from afar without stepping foot on that territory.

Passive reconnaissance activities include many activities, for instance:

  • Looking up DNS records of a domain from a public DNS server.
  • Checking job ads related to the target website.
  • Reading news articles about the target company.

Active reconnaissance, on the other hand, cannot be achieved so discreetly. It requires direct engagement with the target. Think of it like you check the locks on the doors and windows, among other potential entry points.

Examples of active reconnaissance activities include:

  • Connecting to one of the company servers such as HTTP, FTP, and SMTP.
  • Calling the company in an attempt to get information (social engineering).
  • Entering company premises pretending to be a repairman.


WHOIS is a request and response protocol that follows the RFC 3912 specification. A WHOIS server listens on TCP port 43 for incoming requests. The domain registrar is responsible for maintaining the WHOIS records for the domain names it is leasing. The WHOIS server replies with various information related to the domain requested. Of particular interest, we can learn:

  • Registrar: Via which registrar was the domain name registered?
  • Contact info of registrant: Name, organization, address, phone, among other things. (unless made hidden via a privacy service)
  • Creation, update, and expiration dates: When was the domain name first registered? When was it last updated? And when does it need to be renewed?
  • Name Server: Which server to ask to resolve the domain name?

To get this information, we need to use a whois client or an online service. Many online services provide whois information; however, it is generally faster and more convenient to use your local whois client.


nslookup & dig

Find the IP address of a domain name using nslookup, which stands for Name Server Look Up. You need to issue the command nslookup DOMAIN_NAME, for example, nslookup Or, more generally, you can use nslookup OPTIONS DOMAIN_NAME SERVER. These three main parameters are:

  • OPTIONS contains the query type as shown in the table below. For instance, you can use A for IPv4 addresses and AAAA for IPv6 addresses.
  • DOMAIN_NAME is the domain name you are looking up.
  • SERVER is the DNS server that you want to query. You can choose any local or public DNS server to query. Cloudflare offers and, Google offers and, and Quad9 offers and There are many [more public DNS servers](Find the IP address of a domain name using nslookup, which stands for Name Server Look Up. You need to issue the command nslookup DOMAIN_NAME, for example, nslookup Or, more generally, you can use nslookup OPTIONS DOMAIN_NAME SERVER. These three main parameters are: OPTIONS contains the query type as shown in the table below. For instance, you can use A for IPv4 addresses and AAAA for IPv6 addresses. DOMAIN_NAME is the domain name you are looking up. SERVER is the DNS server that you want to query. You can choose any local or public DNS server to query. Cloudflare offers and, Google offers and, and Quad9 offers and There are many more public DNS servers that you can choose from if you want alternatives to your ISP’s DNS servers.) that you can choose from if you want alternatives to your ISP’s DNS servers.
Query type Result
A IPv4 Addresses
AAAA IPv6 Addresses
CNAME Canonical Name
MX Mail Servers
SOA Start of Authority
TXT TXT Records

For example, to learn about email servers you can try this:

emile@server:~# nslookup -type=MX

Non-authoritative answer:    mail exchanger = 1

Authoritative answers can be found from:

For more advanced DNS queries and additional functionality, you can use dig, the acronym for Domain Information Groper, if you are curious. Let’s use dig to look up the MX records and compare them to nslookup. We can use dig DOMAIN_NAME, but to specify the record type, we would use dig DOMAIN_NAME TYPE. Optionally, we can select the server we want to query using dig @SERVER DOMAIN_NAME TYPE.

emile@server:~# dig MX

; <<>> DiG 9.18.1-1ubuntu1.1-Ubuntu <<>> MX
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 36828
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
; COOKIE: 5a4be27f511db848 (echoed)
;          IN  MX

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:       3600    IN  SOA 2013020905 7200 3600 1209600 3600

;; Query time: 4 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Aug 29 12:32:27 UTC 2022
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 126


DNS lookup tools, such as nslookup and dig, cannot find subdomains on their own. The domain you are inspecting might include a different subdomain that can reveal much information about the target.

To avoid such a time-consuming search, one can use an online service that offers detailed answers to DNS queries, such as DNSDumpster. export.png


When you are tasked to run a penetration test against specific targets, as part of the passive reconnaissance phase, a service like can be helpful to learn various pieces of information about the client’s network, without actively connecting to it. Furthermore, on the defensive side, you can use different services from to learn about connected and exposed devices belonging to your organization.

Active reconnaissance

Web Browser

As you know, you can open the Developer Tools while browsing a web page.

There are also plenty of add-ons for Firefox and Chrome that can help in penetration testing. Here are a few examples:

  • FoxyProxy lets you quickly change the proxy server you are using to access the target website. This browser extension is convenient when you are using a tool such as Burp Suite or if you need to switch proxy servers regularly.
  • User-Agent Switcher and Manager gives you the ability to pretend to be accessing the webpage from a different operating system or different web browser. In other words, you can pretend to be browsing a site using an iPhone when in fact, you are accessing it from Mozilla Firefox.
  • Wappalyzer provides insights about the technologies used on the visited websites. Such extension is handy, primarily when you collect all this information while browsing the website like any other user.


From a penetration testing point of view, we will try to discover more about this target. We will try to learn as much as possible, for example, which ports are open and which services are running.


On Linux and macOS, the command to use is traceroute, and on MS Windows, it is tracert traceroute tries to discover the routers across the path from your system to the target system.


The TELNET (Teletype Network) protocol was developed in 1969 to communicate with a remote system via a command-line interface (CLI). Hence, the command telnet uses the TELNET protocol for remote administration. The default port used by telnet is 23. From a security perspective, telnet sends all the data, including usernames and passwords, in cleartext. Sending in cleartext makes it easy for anyone, who has access to the communication channel, to steal the login credentials. The secure alternative is SSH (Secure SHell) protocol.

Using telnet IP PORT, you can connect to any service running on TCP and even exchange a few messages unless it uses encryption.

Let’s say we want to discover more information about a web server, listening on port 80. We connect to the server at port 80, and then we communicate using the HTTP protocol. You don’t need to dive into the HTTP protocol; you just need to issue GET / HTTP/1.1. To specify something other than the default index page, you can issue GET /page.html HTTP/1.1, which will request page.html. We also specified to the remote web server that we want to use HTTP version 1.1 for communication. To get a valid response, instead of an error, you need to input some value for the host host: example and hit enter twice. Executing these steps will provide the requested index page.


Netcat or simply nc has different applications that can be of great value to a pentester. Netcat supports both TCP and UDP protocols. It can function as a client that connects to a listening port; alternatively, it can act as a server that listens on a port of your choice. Hence, it is a convenient tool that you can use as a simple client or server over TCP or UDP.

First, you can connect to a server, as you did with Telnet, to collect its banner using nc PORT, which is quite similar to our previous telnet PORT. Note that you might need to press SHIFT+ENTER after the GET line.

You can use netcat to listen on a TCP port and connect to a listening port on another system.

On the server system, where you want to open a port and listen on it, you can issue nc -lp 1234 or better yet, nc -vnlp 1234. The exact order of the letters does not matter as long as the port number is preceded directly by -p.

option meaning
-l Listen mode
-p Specify the Port number
-n Numeric only; no resolution of hostnames via DNS
-v Verbose output (optional, yet useful to discover any bugs)
-vv Very Verbose (optional)
-k Keep listening after client disconnects


  • the option -p should appear just before the port number you want to listen on.
  • the option -n will avoid DNS lookups and warnings.
  • port numbers less than 1024 require root privileges to listen on.

On the client-side, you would issue nc PORT_NUMBER.

Nmap Live Host Discovery

Provide a file as input for your list of targets: nmap -iL list.txt

If you want to check the list of hosts that Nmap will scan, you can use nmap -sL TARGETS.

Nmap Host Discovery Using ARP

How would you know which hosts are up and running? It is essential to avoid wasting our time port-scanning an offline host or an IP address not in use. There are various ways to discover online hosts. When no host discovery options are provided, Nmap follows the following approaches to discover live hosts:

  1. When a privileged user tries to scan targets on a local network (Ethernet), Nmap uses ARP requests. A privileged user is root or a user who belongs to sudoers and can run sudo.
  2. When a privileged user tries to scan targets outside the local network, Nmap uses ICMP echo requests, TCP ACK (Acknowledge) to port 80, TCP SYN (Synchronize) to port 443, and ICMP timestamp request.
  3. When an unprivileged user tries to scan targets outside the local network, Nmap resorts to a TCP 3-way handshake by sending SYN packets to ports 80 and 443.

Nmap, by default, uses a ping scan to find live hosts, then proceeds to scan live hosts only. If you want to use Nmap to discover online hosts without port-scanning the live systems, you can issue nmap -sn TARGETS.

If you want Nmap only to perform an ARP scan without port-scanning, you can use nmap -PR -sn TARGETS, where -PR indicates that you only want an ARP scan. The following example shows Nmap using ARP for host discovery without any port scanning. We run nmap -PR -sn MACHINE_IP/24 to discover all the live systems on the same subnet as our target machine.

Also, you can use arpscan:

  • arp-scan --localnet or arp-scan -l
  • sudo arp-scan -I eth0 -l
  • arp-scan IP/24

Nmap Host Discovery Using ICMP

Scanning subnet with ICMP echo request: nmap -PE -sn IP/24

Because ICMP echo requests tend to be blocked, you might also consider ICMP Timestamp or ICMP Address Mask requests to tell if a system is online:

  • nmap -PP -sn IP/24
  • nmap -PM -sn IP/24

Nmap Host Discovery Using TCP and UDP


We can send a packet with the SYN (Synchronize) flag set to a TCP port, 80 by default, and wait for a response. An open port should reply with a SYN/ACK (Acknowledge); a closed port would result in an RST (Reset). In this case, we only check whether we will get any response to infer whether the host is up. The specific state of the port is not significant here. The figure below is a reminder of how a TCP 3-way handshake usually works.

If you want Nmap to use TCP SYN ping, you can do so via the option -PS followed by the port number, range, list, or a combination of them. For example, -PS21 will target port 21, while -PS21-25 will target ports 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25. Finally -PS80,443,8080 will target the three ports 80, 443, and 8080.

nmap -PS -sn IP/24


As you have guessed, this sends a packet with an ACK flag set. You must be running Nmap as a privileged user to be able to accomplish this. If you try it as an unprivileged user, Nmap will attempt a 3-way handshake.

By default, port 80 is used. The syntax is similar to TCP SYN ping. -PA should be followed by a port number, range, list, or a combination of them. For example, consider -PA21, -PA21-25 and -PA80,443,8080. If no port is specified, port 80 will be used.

sudo nmap -PA -sn IP/24

UDP Ping

Finally, we can use UDP to discover if the host is online. Contrary to TCP SYN ping, sending a UDP packet to an open port is not expected to lead to any reply. However, if we send a UDP packet to a closed UDP port, we expect to get an ICMP port unreachable packet; this indicates that the target system is up and available.

The syntax to specify the ports is similar to that of TCP SYN ping and TCP ACK ping; Nmap uses -PU for UDP ping.


On a side note, Masscan uses a similar approach to discover the available systems. However, to finish its network scan quickly, Masscan is quite aggressive with the rate of packets it generates. The syntax is quite similar: -p can be followed by a port number, list, or range. Consider the following examples:

  • masscan MACHINE_IP/24 -p443
  • masscan MACHINE_IP/24 -p80,443
  • masscan MACHINE_IP/24 -p22-25
  • masscan MACHINE_IP/24 ‐‐top-ports 100

Reverse-DNS Lookup

Nmap’s default behaviour is to use reverse-DNS online hosts. Because the hostnames can reveal a lot, this can be a helpful step. However, if you don’t want to send such DNS queries, you use -n to skip this step.

By default, Nmap will look up online hosts; however, you can use the option -R to query the DNS server even for offline hosts. If you want to use a specific DNS server, you can add the --dns-servers DNS_SERVER option.

Nmap Basic Port Scans

TCP and UDP Ports

Nmap considers the following six states:

  • Open: indicates that a service is listening on the specified port.
  • Closed: indicates that no service is listening on the specified port, although the port is accessible. By accessible, we mean that it is reachable and is not blocked by a firewall or other security appliances/programs.
  • Filtered: means that Nmap cannot determine if the port is open or closed because the port is not accessible. This state is usually due to a firewall preventing Nmap from reaching that port. Nmap’s packets may be blocked from reaching the port; alternatively, the responses are blocked from reaching Nmap’s host.
  • Unfiltered: means that Nmap cannot determine if the port is open or closed, although the port is accessible. This state is encountered when using an ACK scan -sA.
  • Open|Filtered: This means that Nmap cannot determine whether the port is open or filtered.
  • Closed|Filtered: This means that Nmap cannot decide whether a port is closed or filtered.

TCP Flags

  • URG: Urgent flag indicates that the urgent pointer filed is significant. The urgent pointer indicates that the incoming data is urgent, and that a TCP segment with the URG flag set is processed immediately without consideration of having to wait on previously sent TCP segments.
  • ACK: Acknowledgement flag indicates that the acknowledgement number is significant. It is used to acknowledge the receipt of a TCP segment.
  • PSH: Push flag asking TCP to pass the data to the application promptly.
  • RST: Reset flag is used to reset the connection. Another device, such as a firewall, might send it to tear a TCP connection. This flag is also used when data is sent to a host and there is no service on the receiving end to answer.
  • SYN: Synchronize flag is used to initiate a TCP 3-way handshake and synchronize sequence numbers with the other host. The sequence number should be set randomly during TCP connection establishment.
  • FIN: The sender has no more data to send.

TCP Connect Scan

Can be achieved by unprivilegied users: nmap -sT IP


Can't be achieved by unprivilegied users and is more silent because it tears down the connection once it receives a response from the server: nmap -sS IP

UDP Scan

nmap -sU -F -v IP

Fine-Tuning Scope and Performance

You can specify the ports you want to scan instead of the default 1000 ports. Specifying the ports is intuitive by now. Let’s see some examples:

  • port list: -p22,80,443 will scan ports 22, 80 and 443.
  • port range: -p1-1023 will scan all ports between 1 and 1023 inclusive, while -p20-25 will scan ports between 20 and 25 inclusive.

You can request the scan of all ports by using -p-, which will scan all 65535 ports. If you want to scan the most common 100 ports, add -F. Using --top-ports 10 will check the ten most common ports.

You can control the scan timing using -T<0-5>. -T0 is the slowest (paranoid), while -T5 is the fastest. According to Nmap manual page, there are six templates:

  • paranoid (0)
  • sneaky (1)
  • polite (2)
  • normal (3)
  • aggressive (4)
  • insane (5)

To avoid IDS alerts, you might consider -T0 or -T1. For instance, -T0 scans one port at a time and waits 5 minutes between sending each probe, so you can guess how long scanning one target would take to finish. If you don’t specify any timing, Nmap uses normal -T3. Note that -T5 is the most aggressive in terms of speed; however, this can affect the accuracy of the scan results due to the increased likelihood of packet loss. Note that -T4 is often used during CTFs and when learning to scan on practice targets, whereas -T1 is often used during real engagements where stealth is more important.

Alternatively, you can choose to control the packet rate using --min-rate <number> and --max-rate <number>. For example, --max-rate 10 or --max-rate=10 ensures that your scanner is not sending more than ten packets per second.

Moreover, you can control probing parallelization using --min-parallelism <numprobes> and --max-parallelism <numprobes>. Nmap probes the targets to discover which hosts are live and which ports are open; probing parallelization specifies the number of such probes that can be run in parallel. For instance, --min-parallelism=512 pushes Nmap to maintain at least 512 probes in parallel; these 512 probes are related to host discovery and open ports.

Nmap Advanced Port Scans

TCP Null Scan, FIN Scan, and Xmas Scan

Null Scan

The null scan does not set any flag; all six flag bits are set to zero. You can choose this scan using the -sN option. A TCP packet with no flags set will not trigger any response when it reaches an open port, as shown in the figure below. Therefore, from Nmap’s perspective, a lack of reply in a null scan indicates that either the port is open or a firewall is blocking the packet. sudo nmap -sN IP

FIN Scan

The FIN scan sends a TCP packet with the FIN flag set. You can choose this scan type using the -sF option. Similarly, no response will be sent if the TCP port is open. Again, Nmap cannot be sure if the port is open or if a firewall is blocking the traffic related to this TCP port. sudo nmap -sF IP

Xmas Scan

The Xmas scan gets its name after Christmas tree lights. An Xmas scan sets the FIN, PSH, and URG flags simultaneously. You can select Xmas scan with the option -sX. sudo nmap -sX IP

TCP Maimon Scan

In this scan, the FIN and ACK bits are set. The target should send an RST packet as a response. However, certain BSD-derived systems drop the packet if it is an open port exposing the open ports. This scan won’t work on most targets encountered in modern networks. sudo nmap -sM IP

TCP ACK, Window, and Custom Scan


As the name implies, an ACK scan will send a TCP packet with the ACK flag set. Use the -sA option to choose this scan. sudo nmap -sA IP

Window Scan

The TCP window scan is almost the same as the ACK scan; however, it examines the TCP Window field of the RST packets returned. On specific systems, this can reveal that the port is open. You can select this scan type with the option -sW. sudo nmap -sW IP

Custom Scan

If you want to experiment with a new TCP flag combination beyond the built-in TCP scan types, you can do so using --scanflags. For instance, if you want to set SYN, RST, and FIN simultaneously, you can do so using --scanflags RSTSYNFIN.

Spoofing and Decoys


In some network setups, you will be able to scan a target system using a spoofed IP address and even a spoofed MAC address. Such a scan is only beneficial in a situation where you can guarantee to capture the response. If you try to scan a target from some random network using a spoofed IP address, chances are you won’t have any response routed to you, and the scan results could be unreliable.

In brief, scanning with a spoofed IP address is three steps:

  1. Attacker sends a packet with a spoofed source IP address to the target machine.
  2. Target machine replies to the spoofed IP address as the destination.
  3. Attacker captures the replies to figure out open ports.

In general, you expect to specify the network interface using -e and to explicitly disable ping scan -Pn. Therefore, instead of nmap -S SPOOFED_IP, you will need to issue nmap -e NET_INTERFACE -Pn -S SPOOFED_IP to tell Nmap explicitly which network interface to use and not to expect to receive a ping reply. It is worth repeating that this scan will be useless if the attacker system cannot monitor the network for responses.

When you are on the same subnet as the target machine, you would be able to spoof your MAC address as well. You can specify the source MAC address using --spoof-mac SPOOFED_MAC. This address spoofing is only possible if the attacker and the target machine are on the same Ethernet (802.3) network or same WiFi (802.11).

Spoofing only works in a minimal number of cases where certain conditions are met. Therefore, the attacker might resort to using decoys to make it more challenging to be pinpointed. The concept is simple, make the scan appears to be coming from many IP addresses so that the attacker’s IP address would be lost among them. As we see in the figure below, the scan of the target machine will appear to be coming from 3 different sources, and consequently, the replies will go the decoys as well.


You can launch a decoy scan by specifying a specific or random IP address after -D. For example, nmap -D,,ME will make the scan of appear as coming from the IP addresses,, and then ME to indicate that your IP address should appear in the third order. Another example command would be nmap -D,,RND,RND,ME, where the third and fourth source IP addresses are assigned randomly, while the fifth source is going to be the attacker’s IP address. In other words, each time you execute the latter command, you would expect two new random IP addresses to be the third and fourth decoy sources.

Fragmented Packets

Nmap provides the option -f to fragment packets. Once chosen, the IP data will be divided into 8 bytes or less. Adding another -f (-f -f or -ff) will split the data into 16 byte-fragments instead of 8. You can change the default value by using the --mtu; however, you should always choose a multiple of 8.

To properly understand fragmentation, we need to look at the IP header in the figure below. It might look complicated at first, but we notice that we know most of its fields. In particular, notice the source address taking 32 bits (4 bytes) on the fourth row, while the destination address is taking another 4 bytes on the fifth row. The data that we will fragment across multiple packets is highlighted in red. To aid in the reassembly on the recipient side, IP uses the identification (ID) and fragment offset, shown on the second row of the figure below.


Let’s compare running sudo nmap -sS -p80 and sudo nmap -sS -p80 -f As you know by now, this will use stealth TCP SYN scan on port 80; however, in the second command, we are requesting Nmap to fragment the IP packets.

In the first two lines, we can see an ARP query and response. Nmap issued an ARP query because the target is on the same Ethernet. The second two lines show a TCP SYN ping and a reply. The fifth line is the beginning of the port scan; Nmap sends a TCP SYN packet to port 80. In this case, the IP header is 20 bytes, and the TCP header is 24 bytes. Note that the minimum size of the TCP header is 20 bytes.

With fragmentation requested via -f, the 24 bytes of the TCP header will be divided into multiples of 8 bytes, with the last fragment containing 8 bytes or less of the TCP header. Since 24 is divisible by 8, we got 3 IP fragments; each has 20 bytes of IP header and 8 bytes of TCP header. We can see the three fragments between the fifth and the seventh lines.

Note that if you added -ff (or -f -f), the fragmentation of the data will be multiples of 16. In other words, the 24 bytes of the TCP header, in this case, would be divided over two IP fragments, the first containing 16 bytes and the second containing 8 bytes of the TCP header.

On the other hand, if you prefer to increase the size of your packets to make them look innocuous, you can use the option --data-length NUM, where num specifies the number of bytes you want to append to your packets.

Idle/Zombie Scan

Spoofing the source IP address can be a great approach to scanning stealthily. However, spoofing will only work in specific network setups. It requires you to be in a position where you can monitor the traffic. Considering these limitations, spoofing your IP address can have little use; however, we can give it an upgrade with the idle scan.

The idle scan, or zombie scan, requires an idle system connected to the network that you can communicate with. Practically, Nmap will make each probe appear as if coming from the idle (zombie) host, then it will check for indicators whether the idle (zombie) host received any response to the spoofed probe. This is accomplished by checking the IP identification (IP ID) value in the IP header. You can run an idle scan using nmap -sI ZOMBIE_IP TARGET_IP, where ZOMBIE_IP is the IP address of the idle host (zombie).

The idle (zombie) scan requires the following three steps to discover whether a port is open:

  1. Trigger the idle host to respond so that you can record the current IP ID on the idle host.
  2. Send a SYN packet to a TCP port on the target. The packet should be spoofed to appear as if it was coming from the idle host (zombie) IP address.
  3. Trigger the idle machine again to respond so that you can compare the new IP ID with the one received earlier.

Getting More Details

You might consider adding --reason if you want Nmap to provide more details regarding its reasoning and conclusions. Consider the two scans below to the system; however, the latter adds --reason. sudo nmap -sS --reason IP

Providing the --reason flag gives us the explicit reason why Nmap concluded that the system is up or a particular port is open. In this console output above, we can see that this system is considered online because Nmap “received arp-response.” On the other hand, we know that the SSH port is deemed to be open because Nmap received a “syn-ack” packet back.

For more detailed output, you can consider using -v for verbose output or -vv for even more verbosity.

If -vv does not satisfy your curiosity, you can use -d for debugging details or -dd for even more details. You can guarantee that using -d will create an output that extends beyond a single screen.

Nmap Post Port Scans

Service detection

Adding -sV to your Nmap command will collect and determine service and version information for the open ports. You can control the intensity with --version-intensity LEVEL where the level ranges between 0, the lightest, and 9, the most complete. -sV --version-light has an intensity of 2, while -sV --version-all has an intensity of 9.

It is important to note that using -sV will force Nmap to proceed with the TCP 3-way handshake and establish the connection. The connection establishment is necessary because Nmap cannot discover the version without establishing a connection fully and communicating with the listening service. In other words, stealth SYN scan -sS is not possible when -sV option is chosen.

Adding the -sV option leads to a new column in the output showing the version for each detected service. For instance, in the case of TCP port 22 being open, instead of 22/tcp open ssh, we obtain 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 6.7p1 Debian 5+deb8u8 (protocol 2.0). Notice that the SSH protocol is guessed as the service because TCP port 22 is open; Nmap didn’t need to connect to port 22 to confirm. However, -sV required connecting to this open port to grab the service banner and any version information it can get, such as nginx 1.6.2. Hence, unlike the service column, the version.

sudo nmap -sV IP

OS Detection and Traceroute

OS Detection

Nmap can detect the Operating System (OS) based on its behaviour and any telltale signs in its responses. OS detection can be enabled using -O; this is an uppercase O as in OS. nmap -sS -O MACHINE_IP


If you want Nmap to find the routers between you and the target, just add --traceroute. In the following example, Nmap appended a traceroute to its scan results. Note that Nmap’s traceroute works slightly different than the traceroute command found on Linux and macOS or tracert found on MS Windows. Standard traceroute starts with a packet of low TTL (Time to Live) and keeps increasing until it reaches the target. Nmap’s traceroute starts with a packet of high TTL and keeps decreasing it. nmap -sS --traceroute IP

Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)

A part of Nmap, Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) is a Lua interpreter that allows Nmap to execute Nmap scripts written in Lua language. However, we don’t need to learn Lua to make use of Nmap scripts.

Your Nmap default installation can easily contain close to 600 scripts. Take a look at your Nmap installation folder: /usr/share/nmap/scripts

You can specify to use any or a group of these installed scripts; moreover, you can install other user’s scripts and use them for your scans. Let’s begin with the default scripts. You can choose to run the scripts in the default category using --script=default or simply adding -sC. In addition to default, categories include auth, broadcast, brute, default, discovery, dos, exploit, external, fuzzer, intrusive, malware, safe, version, and vuln. A brief description is shown in the following table.

Script Category Description
auth Authentication related scripts
broadcast Discover hosts by sending broadcast messages
brute Performs brute-force password auditing against logins
default Default scripts, same as -sC
discovery Retrieve accessible information, such as database tables and DNS names
dos Detects servers vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS)
exploit Attempts to exploit various vulnerable services
external Checks using a third-party service, such as Geoplugin and Virustotal
fuzzer Launch fuzzing attacks
intrusive Intrusive scripts such as brute-force attacks and exploitation
malware Scans for backdoors
safe Safe scripts that won’t crash the target
version Retrieve service versions
vuln Checks for vulnerabilities or exploit vulnerable services

sudo nmap -sS -sC IP

You can also specify the script by name using --script "SCRIPT-NAME" or a pattern such as --script "ftp*", which would include ftp-brute. If you are unsure what a script does, you can open the script file with a text reader, such as less, or a text editor. In the case of ftp-brute, it states: “Performs brute force password auditing against FTP servers.” You have to be careful as some scripts are pretty intrusive. Moreover, some scripts might be for a specific server and, if chosen at random, will waste your time with no benefit. As usual, make sure that you are authorized to launch such tests on the target server.

Let’s consider a benign script, http-date, which we guess would retrieve the http server date and time, and this is indeed confirmed in its description: “Gets the date from HTTP-like services. Also, it prints how much the date differs from local time…”:

sudo nmap -sS -n --script "http-date" IP

Saving the output


As the name implies, the normal format is similar to the output you get on the screen when scanning a target. You can save your scan in normal format by using -oN FILENAME; N stands for normal.


The grepable format has its name from the command grep; grep stands for Global Regular Expression Printer. In simple terms, it makes filtering the scan output for specific keywords or terms efficient. You can save the scan result in grepable format using -oG FILENAME. The scan output, displayed above in normal format, is shown in the console below using grepable format. The normal output is 21 lines; however, the grepable output is only 4 lines. The main reason is that Nmap wants to make each line meaningful and complete when the user applies grep. As a result, in grepable output, the lines are so long and are not convenient to read compared to normal output.


The third format is XML. You can save the scan results in XML format using -oX FILENAME. The XML format would be most convenient to process the output in other programs. Conveniently enough, you can save the scan output in all three formats using -oA FILENAME to combine -oN, -oG, and -oX for normal, grepable, and XML.

Script Kiddie

A fourth format is script kiddie. You can see that this format is useless if you want to search the output for any interesting keywords or keep the results for future reference. However, you can use it to save the output of the scan nmap -sS -oS FILENAME, display the output filename, and look 31337 in front of friends who are not tech-savvy.

Protocols and servers


A Telnet server uses the Telnet protocol to listen for incoming connections on port 23. (Please note that the Telnet port is not open on the target VM.) Let’s consider the example shown below. A user is connecting to the telnetd, a Telnet server. The steps are as follows:

  1. First, he is asked to provide his login name (username). We can see the user entering frank.
  2. Then, he is asked for the password, D2xc9CgD. The password is not shown on the screen; however, we display it below for demonstration purposes.
  3. Once the system checks his login credentials, he is greeted with a welcome message.
  4. And the remote server grants him a command prompt, frank@bento:~$. The $ indicates that this is not a root terminal.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

In the following example, we will see how we can request a page from a web server; moreover, we will discover the webserver version. To accomplish this, we will use the Telnet client. We chose it because Telnet is a simple protocol; furthermore, it uses cleartext for communication. We will use telnet instead of a web browser to request a file from the webserver. The steps will be as follows:

  1. First, we connect to port 80 using telnet MACHINE_IP 80.
  2. Next, we need to type GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 to retrieve the page index.html or GET / HTTP/1.1 to retrieve the default page.
  3. Finally, you need to provide some value for the host like host: telnet and hit the Enter/Return key twice.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) was developed to make the transfer of files between different computers with different systems efficient.

FTP also sends and receives data as cleartext; therefore, we can use Telnet (or Netcat) to communicate with an FTP server and act as an FTP client. In the example below, we carried out the following steps:

  1. We connected to an FTP server using a Telnet client. Since FTP servers listen on port 21 by default, we had to specify to our Telnet client to attempt connection to port 21 instead of the default Telnet port.
  2. We needed to provide the username with the command USER frank.
  3. Then, we provided the password with the command PASS D2xc9CgD.
  4. Because we supplied the correct username and password, we got logged in.

A command like STAT can provide some added information. The SYST command shows the System Type of the target (UNIX in this case). PASV switches the mode to passive. It is worth noting that there are two modes for FTP:

  • Active: In the active mode, the data is sent over a separate channel originating from the FTP server’s port 20.
  • Passive: In the passive mode, the data is sent over a separate channel originating from an FTP client’s port above port number 1023.

The command TYPE A switches the file transfer mode to ASCII, while TYPE I switches the file transfer mode to binary. However, we cannot transfer a file using a simple client such as Telnet because FTP creates a separate connection for file transfer.

Considering the sophistication of the data transfer over FTP, let’s use an actual FTP client to download a text file. We only needed a small number of commands to retrieve the file. After logging in successfully, we get the FTP prompt, ftp>, to execute various FTP commands. We used ls to list the files and learn the file name; then, we switched to ascii since it is a text file (not binary). Finally, get FILENAME made the client and server establish another channel for file transfer.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Email delivery over the Internet requires the following components:

  • Mail Submission Agent (MSA)
  • Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)
  • Mail Delivery Agent (MDA)
  • Mail User Agent (MUA)

The following five steps that an email needs to go through to reach the recipient’s inbox:

  1. A Mail User Agent (MUA), or simply an email client, has an email message to be sent. The MUA connects to a Mail Submission Agent (MSA) to send its message.
  2. The MSA receives the message, checks for any errors before transferring it to the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) server, commonly hosted on the same server.
  3. The MTA will send the email message to the MTA of the recipient. The MTA can also function as a Mail Submission Agent (MSA).
  4. A typical setup would have the MTA server also functioning as a Mail Delivery Agent (MDA).
  5. The recipient will collect its email from the MDA using their email client.

If the above steps sound confusing, consider the following analogy:

  1. You (MUA) want to send postal mail.
  2. The post office employee (MSA) checks the postal mail for any issues before your local post office (MTA) accepts it.
  3. The local post office checks the mail destination and sends it to the post office (MTA) in the correct country.
  4. The post office (MTA) delivers the mail to the recipient mailbox (MDA).
  5. The recipient (MUA) regularly checks the mailbox for new mail. They notice the new mail, and they take it.

In the same way, we need to follow a protocol to communicate with an HTTP server, and we need to rely on email protocols to talk with an MTA and an MDA. The protocols are:

  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
  • Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) or Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

We explain SMTP in this task and elaborate on POP3 and IMAP in the following two tasks.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is used to communicate with an MTA server. Because SMTP uses cleartext, where all commands are sent without encryption, we can use a basic Telnet client to connect to an SMTP server and act as an email client (MUA) sending a message.

SMTP server listens on port 25 by default. To see basic communication with an SMTP server, we used Telnet to connect to it. Once connected, we issue hello hostname and then start typing our email.

Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3)

Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) is a protocol used to download the email messages from a Mail Delivery Agent (MDA) server.

First, the user connects to the POP3 server at the POP3 default port 110. Authentication is required to access the email messages; the user authenticates by providing his username USER frank and password PASS D2xc9CgD. Using the command STAT, we get the reply +OK 1 179; based on RFC 1939, a positive response to STAT has the format +OK nn mm, where nn is the number of email messages in the inbox, and mm is the size of the inbox in octets (byte). The command LIST provided a list of new messages on the server, and RETR 1 retrieved the first message in the list. We don’t need to concern ourselves with memorizing these commands; however, it is helpful to strengthen our understanding of such protocol.

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

Let’s take a look at sample IMAP commands. In the console output below, we use Telnet to connect to the IMAP server’s default port, and then we authenticate using LOGIN username password. IMAP requires each command to be preceded by a random string to be able to track the reply. So we added c1, then c2, and so on. Then we listed our mail folders using LIST "" "*", before checking if we have any new messages in the inbox using EXAMINE INBOX. We don’t need to memorize these commands; however, we are simply providing the example below to give a vivid image of what happens when the mail client communicates with an IMAP server.

Protocols and Servers 2

Servers implementing these protocols are subject to different kinds of attacks. To name a few, consider: - Sniffing Attack (Network Packet Capture) - Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attack - Password Attack (Authentication Attack) - Vulnerabilities

From a security perspective, we always need to think about what we aim to protect; consider the security triad: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA). Confidentiality refers to keeping the contents of the communications accessible to the intended parties. Integrity is the idea of assuring any data sent is accurate, consistent, and complete when reaching its destination. Finally, availability refers to being able to access the service when we need it. Different parties will put varying emphasis on these three. For instance, confidentiality would be the highest priority for an intelligence agency. Online banking will put most emphasis on the integrity of transactions. Availability is of the highest importance for any platform making money by serving ads.

Knowing that we are protecting the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA), an attack aims to cause Disclosure, Alternation, and Destruction (DAD).

These attacks directly affect the security of the system. For instance, network packet capture violates confidentiality and leads to the disclosure of information. A successful password attack can also lead to disclosure. On the other hand, a Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack breaks the system’s integrity as it can alter the communicated data. We will focus on these three attacks in this room as these attacks are integral to the protocol design and server implementation.

Vulnerabilities are of a broader spectrum, and exploited vulnerabilities have different impacts on the target systems. For instance, exploiting a Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability can affect the system’s availability, while exploiting a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability can lead to more severe damages. It is important to note that a vulnerability by itself creates a risk; damage can occur only when the vulnerability is exploited. We don’t cover vulnerabilities in this room as they have their own module, Vulnerability Research.

Sniffing Attack

Sniffing attack refers to using a network packet capture tool to collect information about the target. When a protocol communicates in cleartext, the data exchanged can be captured by a third party to analyse. A simple network packet capture can reveal information, such as the content of private messages and login credentials, if the data isn't encrypted in transit.

A sniffing attack can be conducted using an Ethernet (802.3) network card, provided that the user has proper permissions (root permissions on Linux and administrator privileges on MS Windows). There are many programs available to capture network packets. We consider the following:

  • Tcpdump is a free open source command-line interface (CLI) program that has been ported to work on many operating systems.
  • Wireshark is a free open source graphical user interface (GUI) program available for several operating systems, including Linux, macOS and MS Windows.
  • Tshark is a CLI alternative to Wireshark.

Consider a user checking his email messages using POP3. First, we are going to use Tcpdump to attempt to capture the username and password. We can use the command sudo tcpdump port 110 -A. Before explaining this command, we should mention that this attack requires access to the network traffic, for example, via a wiretap or a switch with port mirroring. Alternatively, we can access the traffic exchanged if we launch a successful Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack.

We need sudo as packet captures require root privileges. We wanted to limit the number of captured and displayed packets to those exchanged with the POP3 server. We know that POP3 uses port 110, so we filtered our packets using port 110. Finally, we wanted to display the contents of the captured packets in ASCII format, so we added -A.

We could also use Wireshark to achieve the same results. In the Wireshark window below, we can see that we have entered pop in the filter field. Now that we've filtered just the traffic we're interested in, we can see a username and password were captured. 0622a0f674af934b2566e296588834f6.png

Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attack

A Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack occurs when a victim (A) believes they are communicating with a legitimate destination (B) but is unknowingly communicating with an attacker (E).

This attack is relatively simple to carry out if the two parties do not confirm the authenticity and integrity of each message. In some cases, the chosen protocol does not provide secure authentication or integrity checking; moreover, some protocols have inherent insecurities that make them susceptible to this kind of attack.

Any time you browse over HTTP, you are susceptible to a MITM attack, and the scary thing is that you cannot recognize it. Many tools would aid you in carrying out such an attack, such as Ettercap and Bettercap.

MITM can also affect other cleartext protocols such as FTP, SMTP, and POP3. Mitigation against this attack requires the use of cryptography. The solution lies in proper authentication along with encryption or signing of the exchanged messages. With the help of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and trusted root certificates, Transport Layer Security (TLS) protects from MITM attacks.


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) started when the world wide web started to see new applications, such as online shopping and sending payment information. Netscape introduced SSL in 1994, with SSL 3.0 being released in 1996. But eventually, more security was needed, and TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol was introduced in 1999. Before we explain what TLS and SSL provide, let’s see how they fit the networking model.


Because of the close relation between SSL and TLS, one might be used instead of the other. However, TLS is more secure than SSL, and it has practically replaced SSL. We could have dropped SSL and just written TLS instead of SSL/TLS, but we will continue to mention the two to avoid any ambiguity because the term SSL is still in wide use. However, we can expect all modern servers to be using TLS.

Considering the case of HTTP. Initially, to retrieve a web page over HTTP, the web browser would need at least perform the following two steps:

  1. Establish a TCP connection with the remote web server
  2. Send HTTP requests to the web server, such as GET and POST requests.

HTTPS requires an additional step to encrypt the traffic. The new step takes place after establishing a TCP connection and before sending HTTP requests. This extra step can be inferred from the ISO/OSI model in the image presented earlier. Consequently, HTTPS requires at least the following three steps:

  1. Establish a TCP connection
  2. Establish SSL/TLS connection
  3. Send HTTP requests to the webserver

To establish an SSL/TLS connection, the client needs to perform the proper handshake with the server. Based on RFC 6101, the SSL connection establishment will look like the figure below.


After establishing a TCP connection with the server, the client establishes an SSL/TLS connection, as shown in the figure above. The terms might look complicated depending on your knowledge of cryptography, but we can simplify the four steps as:

  1. The client sends a ClientHello to the server to indicate its capabilities, such as supported algorithms.
  2. The server responds with a ServerHello, indicating the selected connection parameters. The server provides its certificate if server authentication is required. The certificate is a digital file to identify itself; it is usually digitally signed by a third party. Moreover, it might send additional information necessary to generate the master key, in its ServerKeyExchange message, before sending the ServerHelloDone message to indicate that it is done with the negotiation.
  3. The client responds with a ClientKeyExchange, which contains additional information required to generate the master key. Furthermore, it switches to use encryption and informs the server using the ChangeCipherSpec message.
  4. The server switches to use encryption as well and informs the client in the ChangeCipherSpec message.

As a final note, for SSL/TLS to be effective, especially when browsing the web over HTTPS, we rely on public certificates signed by certificate authorities trusted by our systems.


In the figure above, we can see the following information:

  1. To whom is the certificate issued? That is the name of the company that will use this certificate.
  2. Who issued the certificate? This is the certificate authority that issued this certificate.
  3. Validity period. You don’t want to use a certificate that has expired, for instance.

Secure Shell (SSH)

ecure Shell (SSH) was created to provide a secure way for remote system administration. In other words, it lets you securely connect to another system over the network and execute commands on the remote system. Put simply, the “S” in SSH stands for secure, which can be summarized simply as:

  1. You can confirm the identity of the remote server
  2. Exchanged messages are encrypted and can only be decrypted by the intended recipient
  3. Both sides can detect any modification in the messages

Note that if this is the first time we connect to this system, we will need to confirm the fingerprint of the SSH server’s public key to avoid man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. As explained earlier, MITM takes place when a malicious party, E, situates itself between A and B, and communicates with A, pretending to be B, and communicates with B pretending to be A, while A and B think that they are communicating directly with each other. In the case of SSH, we don’t usually have a third party to check if the public key is valid, so we need to do this manually.

We can use SSH to transfer files using SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) based on the SSH protocol. An example of the syntax is as follows: scp mark@ ~. This command will copy a file named archive.tar.gz from the remote system located in the /home/mark directory to ~, i.e., the root of the home directory of the currently logged-in user.

Another example syntax is scp backup.tar.bz2 mark@ This command will copy the file backup.tar.bz2 from the local system to the directory /home/mark/ on the remote system.

Password Attack

Many protocols require you to authenticate. Authentication is proving who you claim to be. When we are using protocols such as POP3, we should not be given access to the mailbox before verifying our identity.

Authentication, or proving your identity, can be achieved through one of the following, or a combination of two:

  1. Something you know, such as password and PIN code.
  2. Something you have, such as a SIM card, RFID card, and USB dongle.
  3. Something you are, such as fingerprint and iris.

Attacks against passwords are usually carried out by:

  1. Password Guessing: Guessing a password requires some knowledge of the target, such as their pet’s name and birth year.
  2. Dictionary Attack: This approach expands on password guessing and attempts to include all valid words in a dictionary or a wordlist.
  3. Brute Force Attack: This attack is the most exhaustive and time-consuming where an attacker can go as far as trying all possible character combinations, which grows fast (exponential growth with the number of characters).

Let’s focus on dictionary attacks. Over time, hackers have compiled list after list containing leaked passwords from data breaches. One example is RockYou’s list of breached passwords, which you can find on Kali at /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt. The choice of the word list should depend on your knowledge of the target. For instance, a French user might use a French word instead of an English one. Consequently, a French word list might be more promising.

We want an automated way to try the common passwords or the entries from a word list; here comes THC Hydra. Hydra supports many protocols, including FTP, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, SSH, and all methods related to HTTP. The general command-line syntax is: hydra -l username -P wordlist.txt server service where we specify the following options:

  • -l username: -l should precede the username, i.e. the login name of the target.
  • -P wordlist.txt: -P precedes the wordlist.txt file, which is a text file containing the list of passwords you want to try with the provided username.
  • server is the hostname or IP address of the target server.
  • service indicates the service which you are trying to launch the dictionary attack.

Consider the following concrete examples:

  • hydra -l mark -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ftp will use mark as the username as it iterates over the provided passwords against the FTP server.
  • hydra -l mark -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt is identical to the previous example. ftp is the same as
  • hydra -l frank -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ssh will use frank as the user name as it tries to login via SSH using the different passwords.

There are some extra optional arguments that you can add:

  • -s PORT to specify a non-default port for the service in question.
  • -V or -vV, for verbose, makes Hydra show the username and password combinations that are being tried. This verbosity is very convenient to see the progress, especially if you are still not confident of your command-line syntax.
  • -t n where n is the number of parallel connections to the target. -t 16 will create 16 threads used to connect to the target.
  • -d, for debugging, to get more detailed information about what’s going on. The debugging output can save you much frustration; for instance, if Hydra tries to connect to a closed port and timing out, -d will reveal this right away.

In summary, attacks against login systems can be carried out efficiently using a tool, such as THC Hydra combined with a suitable word list. Mitigation against such attacks can be sophisticated and depends on the target system. A few of the approaches include:

  • Password Policy: Enforces minimum complexity constraints on the passwords set by the user.
  • Account Lockout: Locks the account after a certain number of failed attempts.
  • Throttling Authentication Attempts: Delays the response to a login attempt. A couple of seconds of delay is tolerable for someone who knows the password, but they can severely hinder automated tools.
  • Using CAPTCHA: Requires solving a question difficult for machines. It works well if the login page is via a graphical user interface (GUI). (Note that CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.)
  • Requiring the use of a public certificate for authentication. This approach works well with SSH, for instance.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Ask the user to provide a code available via other means, such as email, smartphone app or SMS.
  • There are many other approaches that are more sophisticated or might require some established knowledge about the user, such as IP-based geolocation.

Using a combination of the above approaches is an excellent approach to protect against password attacks.